Sunday, August 13, 2006

To all things a begining....

I was convinced to start a blog by my unhinged mind.

Everyone else was doing it so I didn't want to be left out, its happened before. This will be my main connection to the world so please bear with me. Keep listening to me if you dare to read the sick imaginings of my mind - or just want updates in whats going on to me.

I have a friend, Klueless Kamel, who started a blog not long ago, kinda why I started this. (he's at This will get confusing and such, but thats your problem.

Well let's get to my 'world news' :

Friday (11/7): I went to Klueless' Going away party (I won't talk about it, he already has). *Edit: I was wearing a shirt (not a T-shirt) as i usually do and two people who I hadn't seen for 6 months commented that it was nice to see me wearing a shirt for a change (NB I hadn't seen Klueless for six months either and the last time I saw this group was at his 21st)

Saturday (after Friday): I went and saw 'Brick' with a friend, He works there and so he gets free tickets (which we used), anyway more important than the movie (which was good and you shouild see it) there were technical difficulties and the screening missed its official start by about 20 minutes, demanding money back on a free film is kinda pointless and we came to see a movie, we were a little late anyway but thats not important. They fixed the problem and the film was going as it should until the scene with Brad in the carpark where there were further difficulties, at this point some poeple left and others treated it as an intermission. My friend went to report to the staff that yet again the film wasn't working. After that there were no more problems with the film and I still enjoyed it - would have preferred it without the intermission as it kind of broke the mood. At the end when the audience was leaving the staff handed us all freebie tickets, which is very nice as I payed nothing to see this film (I've done that about seven or eight times so far this year - all legally) and get to do the same again to some other film.

Sunday (): Worked - nothing of interest - well i did get blood on my uniform and a series of cuts on my hands but that I'm not going to explain. I worked Friday and Saturday too, but they were much the same as today.

Monday (tomorrow): I work again, 7am ... maybe i should get some sleep, ....maybe I'll go see 'Brick' again afterwards........


Blogger kluelesskamel said...

Hey, thanks for coming to my party. I didn't notice the whole shirt/ t-shirt thing, but obviously my friends were paying a bit more attention.

Hope to see some more posts in the future.

7:57 PM  

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