Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Take two....

This is obviously my second post and it is going to be more serious than last time (sorry can't be crazy all the time). I'm going to try and lay out what I intend for this blog. Every two or three days I will try and update this. Most of what will be written will be day to day happenings and when nothing much happens it will be a place to try and write some fiction (you will be notified I will not lie about what has - or hasn't - happened), as I am thinking about writing a novel, I never get very far but I do want to write.

Lets get down to brass tacks.

Saturday (mostly covered in my last post): I have now found out that my cousin was in the city whilst I was sleeping (after I went and saw a movie with my friend who will now be known as 'Blur'). My brother went out to meet her and was told about my drunken escapades the last time I saw my cousin (there's a story there, but I'm not talking).

Monday (13/8): worked, as I said I would. Nothing interesting.

Tuesday (Weekend): My first day off for the week (and today as it happens). I went to Chapel Street with my brother - The K-man - when we got there the first thing he did was go and buy ten kilo of weights (he needed to get them anyway), I told him it was not the best idea to get them first but he would not be disuaded. We then went to the Jam Factory to go and get some more money (me) and some DVDs (K-man), he got Kill Bill 2 and Hero. After this we walked back towards Prahran Station to catch a train and funnily enough he was complaining about the weights. This entertained me muchly so I made him stand around whilst I got something (a Deus Ex 2 videogame). After this we hopped on a train with the intention of going home...... fat chance.... for about the fourth time today we ran into a couple of his friends (both girls, I know their names but you don't need to), this caused us a delay (not a bad one, I wasn't carrying around a shoebox of weights). K-man then went on to wander around getting a flower and a stuffed lion for a girl he works with (in a shop next to the train station), while on its own this isn't terribly important it was rather entertaining to see him trying to carry the weights, a flower and a lion. from there we went home and I started writing this. K-man carried those weights for about an hour and I got my weeks worth of entertainment out of it because it just looked like he was carrying heavy shoes (as people commented).

Now onto Deus Ex....


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