Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Stoat of the Notion

Let me set the scene for you. I have two alarms on my mobile set to 5am and 5.30am so I can get up for work in the morning. When I'm not working but still want to get up in the morning I change one of the alarms and put it on. This I will come back too.

Lets get to 'my world' news first:

Tuesday/Wednesday (overnight): After my last post I played 'Deus Ex: Invisible War' for around 5 hours. This does not equate to 5hrs of game time as I suck at first person shooters (the ONLY one I've played was Deus Ex (the original - no subtitles) and I finished that about two or three years ago).

Wednesday (16/8): Went out to Chadstone with my Dad (I wanted to get out of the house and it was a good excuse). When we got there we went our seperate ways and planned to meet a half hour later (there is no funny bit to this story). I went and got myself a Orson Scott Card book (Enders Shadow) and a DVD (High Fidelity). We met up for lunch and went home.

Thursday (): This is when the alarm happens. Thursday is the day I go and get comic books. In order to do this as early as possible I changed my 5am alarm to 7am the night before. Unfortunately I put the wrong alarm on and was woken at 5:30am. Realising this was way too early I turned the alarm off and went back to sleep. I then woke up at around 9am and rushed off to the comic shop (it is about an hours journey) when I got there I found that they had not received the shipment yet (it has to go over an ocean) and so I noted down the comics I needed and headed off to the second comic shop (Its significantly closer, and generally gets comics in on Wednesday evening, unfortunately there is no board saying what comics have come in and they open later). When I got there I found no comics either. Now this might not sound like a bad day to you but let me put it simply - I got woken at 5.30am, then got up 2hrs later than I intended, went out and wasted two hours of my life in a wild goose chase that I could have spent furthering my DX2 progress, I still haven't had a shower, and it's 11.30am here - there is a hell of a lot of bad day to go.

Friday-Monday (): Work, work, work, work (and maybe go and see a movie - I still have that free ticket.......)

*Edit: The K-man was offended when I called him my 'little' brother, this is not an apology its just pointing out how childish he really is (appropriate justification for the use of the word 'little' in reference to him), though he is taller than me he is younger and I have always called him little brother.


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