Sunday, August 20, 2006

Ermine of the Idea

What a difference a week makes. Last week I worked flat chat for four days and only just got everything done. This week I worked those same four days but did everything in half the time giveing me more time to increase my workload and secure future employment. Anyway, due to the results of the English Premier League games over the weekend Manchester United is in first place on the table and Arsenal are in ninth. And as I said yesterday I will write up some fiction on this site today, it won't be long and it won't be good, but it will be a start.

On to 'My World' News:

Sunday (20/8): no change from yesterdays post.

Monday (21/8) spent all day (so far) working. Finally finished training for work - only took me three weeks (its supposed to be done before any on site activity occurs).

Story: Part One (this is going to be very simple and if it ever gets properly published it will be heavily edited)

They say that when Lord Ormand created the witchhunter fellowship it consisted solely of himself and his three sons. Other sources doubt this, they say that they weren't his sons and they just took his name, that there were four sons of Ormand, or even that they were all his daughters. From then on, to gain entry into the 'Cult of Ormand' one must either be a direct descendent of one of these primogenitors or marry one of the descendents. From its origin of four men in France it has now become a worldwide underempire. The only people who know of the cult are either in it or are conspiracy theorists. The cult now is less involved with stopping witches and fighting off demons, there are specially trained members for that and the cult is just too big for everyone to be doing that. Now there is research into the occult, in order to increase the power of those directly facing the enemies of the cult and to help those not involved with fighting to defend themselves if attacked magically, there is a small publishing group who, using the occult research, sends out copies of beneficial magics to all cult members and printed the defensive spellbook that every member gets when they turn eighteen and officially enter the cult. I happened to have lost my copy and now require a new one which is why I am returning to the 'head office' in France.

I think thats enough for today. Keep coming back and in a decade maybe you'll see a full book written on here.... (maybe)......


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