Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Time Gentlemen...

Big news day today (or at least it is to me) so i won't bore you with prelude.

Tuesday (Today): Decided to go and see a film. went to '2:37' and enjoyed it thouroughly. On the way there got a message from Blur about seeing a movie tomorrow (Wednesday) and responded. when I was in the theatre I got another message (fortunately at the time my phone was on silent). There was only one other person in the theatre - it was an 11:40am screening though. On the way back home I ran into an old school 'chum', we had a short chat, apparently he's working at priceline on chapel street. Neither of us keep in contact with many of our schoolmates (Blur is one, and SM - the guy I ran into - keeps in touch with only two others (AK and BA)).

Saturday (Before Tuesday): I know this isn't in order but this was not as interesting or important. I realise that mocking my brother - K-man - about carrying 10kg of weights was maybe a bit premature. After work I bought a 'Pepsi Cube' (24 cans of Pepsi) and had to carry it for 40-50mins on the way home. now this might sound like a simple task but the Pepsi Cube contains 9 litres of Pepsi - I didn't realise this until after I had bought it. And if you don't understand how HEAVY 9 litres is then I will tell you, 9 litres of water at standard temperature and pressure (1atmosphere pressure, 25C) weighs exactly 9kg. So now I need to apologise to K-man, he at least had an idea of what he was getting into. (I also payed five dollars more for the box than I should have)

no story today........


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