Tuesday, August 22, 2006


There are some things that I failed to mention in my last post that I'll mention now. first off I WILL review the films I see, not right away because I still feel entertained but after a day or two so that I actually know if it was good or just entertaining. And another thing, yesterday before the film I went to Borders and got myself a Manga, don't know why I failed to mention it but I'm saying it now (It was Fullmetal Alchemist 6).

Onto the review (they are not going to be long and I'll try not to spoil the movie):


The film was entertaining. The premise is that something shocking and unexpecte happens at 2:37 one day, and the rest of the film is the lead up to it. the story focusses on six or seven characters showing that they're all flawed and full of problems trying to imply that they are somehow involved with the shocking moment (the start of the film shows blood flowing under a door - that leads to the janitors closet - at 2:37). We are meant to feel for these characters and hope that it isn't them at the end of the film, unfortunately they are all narcissists and have few redeemable features (you may feel sorry for one or two of them but by the end they reveal that they have no empathy for the victim - the bleeding person). The cuts to trees (in order to let us think and soak in the story so far) are pointless, the film is easy to follow and some parts you can even guess. The jumping to one-on-one camera interviews disrupts the story line and confuses the viewer - probably why they cut to trees to let us think. There are also jumps in time backwards (I think it might be once that was rather confusing) but most of these pass a point in the story we have seen and orients us into the time frame (eg passing a group talking when we've already seen the conversation they've had). And by the end of the film when we find out what this shocking thing is that has happened (though you can tell earlier what its going to be even if you don't know who) we still feel nothing because of who the victim is - I could say why but that may ruin it for you. All in all probably the best Australian film I've seen all year. 3/5.

Tonight I'm going to go and see United 93 and tomorrow I'm getting up early to watch Arsenal vs Dinamo Zagreb (and I might write up United 93 at the same time).......

*Edit changed my 'Post name' (from Mephistopheles to Baltasar) so that, like all the other people referenced on this site, it starts with the same letter as my real name.


Blogger kluelesskamel said...

Hey bro how's it going?

just writing in from berlin and catching up on your blog.

I liked the whole witch-hunter story excerpt and I can see alot of detail in there. The writing gets a bit clunky at parts and I'm probably not an expert but there may be a few too many commas in a sentence or two. Otherwise I like the whole idea of it and look forward to reading some more stuff!

7:23 PM  
Blogger Baltasar said...

It's going to be heavily edited if i ever get to finishing it. At the moment I just want to get it down.

4:23 PM  

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