Friday, May 09, 2008

Dying in Your Bed, Lying in Your Head....

Well it has been a very strange week for me. When I left you last time I mentioned that I was going to go and see Niel Gaiman at a book signing in Camberwell, and I'll tell you how that went shortly, but there are other things on my mind at the moment and though I will go into further detail later I want to hook you now so you will keep reading... I made an application to become a Deli Second-In-Command at work during the week, already found out the result of my application.

Lets talk about the book signing. I had read in Saturdays paper (on Sunday before work) that Niel Gaiman was in Melbourne and whilst he was here he was making multiple appearances and signing books. The newspaper article pointed out that on Monday night he would be at the Dymocks in Camberwell, along with other appearances at times and places I couldn't get to due to my work schedule. So I went to the Camberwell signing. This was quite a journey to get there - I took along Sandman 1 (Preludes and Nocturnes), American Gods, and Sandman 8 (Worlds End) - I was reading the last one - it took me an hour just to get to Camberwell and I was going to be a half-hour early for the signing. I wasn't aware of how long it was going to take me to get there and I decided it would be better to be early than late. So I looked for the place and found it quite easily, and when I went up to the door it had a note on it saying that the newspaper article I had read was wrong and that he had already made his appearance at Camberwell in a different venue with access restricted to those who had already booked. I was not happy. It took me an hour and a half to get home. At least I finished reading Worlds End...

Tuesday night I went and played Warhammer 40K with my brother and two of his friends (I say his friends because I met them through K-Man, even though I associate with them even when he's not there). This is going to be terribly uninteresting to anyone who doesn't play 40K, those people should probably skip to the next paragraph, there is nothing for you here. We played a 4,000 point battle - 2 teams of two with 2,000 point armies. It was Ravenguard and Blood Angels (me) vs 2 Black Legion forces. There were three special characters on the field; Commander Dante (in his debut), Commander Shrike, and Typhus (in his long awaited return). It was an Alpha level recon mission, all that matters at the end of the game are scoring units in the enemy deployment zone. Because we all had other commitments the game had to end after three hours, this meant that we had only had three turns played by the end of the game. Some of the highlights: K-man hitting Shrike and a unit of Assault Marines with his Defiler's battle cannon in the first turn, killing all but one Assault Marine. Chaos (this is now the name for K-Man's teammate as he hasn't been mentioned before) firing a Vindicator into one of my Rhino's destroying it and a pair of Veterans. And a mass assault of Black Legion down our right flank, led by Typhus in a Land Raider, were the main highlights for Chaos and K-Man. After Oberon (my teammate, also new) lost Shrike he was not happy with our chances. But on turn two I got my charges in. Dante led a unit of Assault Marines and a unit of Tactical Marines into one unit of Chaos' Chosen (who had already lost one of their number when a greater Daemon appeared) who were slaughtered before the majority of my forces rolled into the Terminator Lord and his retinue of Champions that were sitting behind. In that same turn my Death Company massed into a unit of Plague Marines destroying all who were in range after losing the Chaplain. the shooting for that turn was also interesting with my Dreadnaught taking out half a unit of Khorne Berzerkers, my Vindicator damaging Chaos' Dreadnought, my Rhino hitting the Defiler with a Hunter-Killer Missile obliterating it and Oberon's Predator destroying their Vindicator. The next turn was a bit messy, we lost more footing on the right, though only one of their units got into our deployment zone they massed on the unit of Death Company that was in their deployment zone with no less than three units charging into the combat and pulling them down due to weight of numbers. the terminators and Greater Deamon managed to win combat and all of the GD's opponent were dead which gave him some freedom and the Terminators were stuck until our turn. we then decided that the game would end at the end of this turn (our turn three, they had just had their turn three and it was almost 9pm) which led to us trying to scramble into their lines with all the scoring units we had. Problem was, we had only one that was close, my Dreadnaught. We moved in everything to try and help him get across the line but it was going to be close. Fortunately, due to the sad loss of the Death Company, there was a unit in charge range of the Dreadnaught, the Khorne Berzerkers. Charges were announced, In goes the Dreadnaught, Dante decided that he had to charge the Greater Daemon, and another Assault marine ran into an Obliterator. With the game on the line we kept the dreadnaught combat until last. The Assault Marine couldn't kill the Obliterator with his power sword, but was spared death with his combat shield, Chaos' Terminators killed the remainder of the Tactical Marines and turned towards Dante, who had destroyed the Daemon and ran into the new challengers. On our right flank Oberon's Chaplain was brought down by Terminators, holding them up long enough to keep them out of our Deployment Zone. Oberon's Dreadnaught was held in combat by Chaos' Marine Squad, a mere 3 inches from our deployment zone. And finally, My Dreadnaught vs Chaos' squad of 4 Khorne Berzerkers. 2 Went down to my attacks and now we just waited on the powerfist to do its damage.... which was none, and to our luck the other two fell over to combat resolution, and the Dreadnaught romped home to save the draw.

Now onto my 2IC application. I got the job. I don't know when I start but hopefully I enjoy it. It will be interesting having a department manager for the first time.......

Saturday, May 03, 2008

He Can't Help You.......

Neil Gaiman. Anyone who knows me knows I can read. And my favourite writer is Neil Gaiman. Luckily for me this week Mr Gaiman is here in Melbourne doing those writerry duties that make him so much money. This of course has made me impatient and I cannot wait (well maybe I can, but only because I can't find him now) to see him. Unfortunately from what I understand he is only making three appearances here, and I can't make it to two of them due to work (did I mention that I hate my job?) which means that in order to see him (and possibly get a book signed, like Kamel failed to do when he was in England) I have to wait until tomorrow (that's Monday) night and drag myself all the way out to Camberwell.

But I know I'm going to do it anyway - what else am I going to do?

Last Thursday I saw 'Iron Man'. It was a very well done film with winks to the conic at every turn - I will now spoil the movie for anyone who hasn't yet seen it - The 'ten rings' refers to the mandarin character who was going to be cast as the bad guy in the film before they decided to go for a more 'real world' approach. James Rhodes gives a nod as war machine when he helps Tony in his garage and the Mach II armour is just sitting there..... There is a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent trying to talk to Tony throughout the film and at the end tells Tony to refer to 'Iron Man' as a bodyguard. I saw it with Blur and liked it so much that I'll go and see it with K-Man early next week.

Hey, I can actually keep a normal schedule on this thing and tell slightly interesting tales. I only hope I can keep it up....


Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Can't Hide Away From Me...

Well... Uh,.. I guess it's been a while since I was last here.... almost fourteen months if I'm counting right. Um... sorry about the delay?... No, that's not right. Let's try again...

I never intended to come back and do more of this after my fiftieth post. But since about last month I've been thinking about the goings on in the world around me (mostly immediately around me) and decided that I have more to say and I kind of want to get things off my chest and that this is the perfect place to do it. Though this is a return to blogging I'm not exactly sure if it will go on for more than just this post, and that this post will NOT be as straight forward and chronological as just about all the others, I'm just going to try and stay on one topic for as long as I can because thats how I categorise things in my head.

Soccer: The last time I spoke of soccer I gave scores for Arsenal games and updates on the games I have been playing. Well if you want Arsenal scores you can go to some other site. There are plenty and the official ones can give you a better rundown of a game than I can. Though in my absence (from posting - in case you didn't get that) I did get an official Arsenal away strip - the white one with writing on it and a 'Fly Emirates' sponsorship. But I have continued playing soccer, though some particulars have changed.... The Wednesday game I was a part of got cancelled due to the city council worrying about the state of the playing surface due to the water restrictions and the stress of actual use. This forced me to join a Thursday night group in May or June or something (I started playing with this group initially) on a synthetic surface. But this booking also had problems.... we lost the Thursday night booking to another group due to a booking not being put through after one session (their fault not ours) and so we took a couple weeks off in February while this got sorted out. We had a couple of Wednesday games and have just finished a series of Friday night games and we now have two games on next week. But now I want to mention some memorable moments from the Thursday night games.... Because we play on a hockey field there is fencing up around it - just in case of any stray hockey balls - and this is quite close to the field, anyway one day, before the official start of the game we decided to start playing a game early intending to restart when our booking did in case anyone else arrived, and in chasing down a ball that was going out over the sidelines I ran as fast as possible and barely managed to redirect the ball back towards the center of the field. This unfortunately caused me to continue in the direction of the fence and before I could regain my footing I had run into it and hit my head. I felt fine for a moment and went back onto the field where I put my hand to the bump on my head and when I pulled it away I looked at it - I don't know why but I did - and it was covered in blood. I had hit the fence so hard that it broke the skin on my forehead. Needless to say I left the field and didn't make it to the official start of the game... A couple weeks ago, when we were playing one of our friday night games I managed to score a goal from a 2-on-1 with the keeper, now I know this isn't much of a highlight but its the start of something much greater. About two minutes later I got a pass from the same guy and dribbled it around the keeper for my second goal of the game, I had never scored more than one goal in a game and the more surprising thing was that i wasn't finished. I got one more goal to complete my hattrick and this is the best shot I've ever had. I'd got the pass from my keeper and was about halfway up the pitch (we played on half a hockey field) and intended to put the ball into the path of one of my teammates who was alone up front, but I saw a small gap behind the keeper - he'd moved a couple steps too far out - and had to go for it, I was confident after the first two goals and decided to put it up there. I put the ball into the air and over the keeper who was racing back to try and stop it but couldn't and the ball curled into the opposite top corner. I was as surprised at that as everyone else.

I will resume this post later... It's taking longer than I thought....and so did the getting back to the post...

There were other things I wanted to ment
ion. Family and friends and stuff like that.... My brother K-Man has a girlfriend now... and he has moved house again and turned 21. He now works as a concierge and his girlfriend - Europa - has effectively, taken his job at the coffee shop.
Two of my cousins got married (not to each other) and now one of them has a baby girl. I continue to catch up with my friends... though that doesn't really mean anything. Blur is now working at another cinema and after dropping out of his Masters in Arts at Uni he wrote a book (as yet unpublished) and is planning on going to RMIT to do a journalism course. Kamel is doing a Phd in some chemical engineering thing... A lot of the people I was friends with at this time last year I am struggling to keep in contact with. One of K-Man's punk friends died of a heroin overdose, it was rumored that she had hung herself but that was a lie. I celebrated my 23rd birthday, the main point everyone who went to the party remembers is that the light hanging over the pool table fell. The past couple of weeks I've been going out drinking with friends and co-workers (not that my co-workers aren't friends, I'm just trying to be specific). And most of what went on was not terribly interesting. Just a lot of drinking really - but I did have my first Martini. In February I went to my grandparents 60th wedding anniversary and caught up with a lot of my family - anyone who wasn't there (and a lot that were) came to the Anzac day march to support my Granddad.

I'm not sure what else to add. Or if I have time to do so. If something interesting happens I'll try to say something. Maybe.

Until I write again, Uh... I guess I should've thought of something to say.....


Wednesday, February 14, 2007

I Wait For You...

Welcome to the world of today. This is kind of a long post so I should get to it.

'My World' News

Thursday (1/2): Arsenal 3 vs Tottenham 1. I can't remember much of what actually happenned during the game (I even had to look up the scoreline). I had lunch with Saturn. Saw 'Stranger Than Fiction' with Blur.

Friday (2/2): Worked - 6 hours. And it is/was Klueless Kamels birthday today - happybirthday man/Kamel.

Saturday (): Worked - 6 hours. Crashed in bed when I got home.

Sunday (): Middlesbrough 1 - Arsenal 1. Their first draw for the year. Worked - 6 hours.

Monday (5/2): It is/was my Birthday today. and I had to work for 6 hours. but I did get gifts from my parents (well my mum really) - 2 DVDs, 'A Guy Thing', and 'Akira'. I got a phone call from my Nana but have yet to hear from my grandparents (and my brother has been pretty ignorant as well).

Tuesday (): Relaxed all day long - it was very nice.

Wednesday (): SOCCER!!! This week I played on the blue team with Jazz (new character - friend of Saturn and Jupiter (played last week)) and Yankee (A guy I knew from high school - he played the week before as well). The game was quite fast paced and quickly went to one all (I'm not sure who scored first) and thats where it stayed for about an hour. But when we had about ten or fifteen minutes left Jupiter missed a header from a corner kick and I was in the perfect position to pick up the pieces - I juggled/dribbled the ball past two or three players to put myself about a metre from goal before slotting it through for my third goal in six games. This goal opened the floodgates and before the game finished we had scored two more goals. Blue 4 - Red 1. Wins 6: Draws 0: Losses 0: Goals 3.

Thursday (): Worked - 5 hours. It was supposed to be my day off but as one of my bosses had the day off and the store manager doesn't like to do my job I was 'asked' to come in, doesn't really make a huge difference, more hours means more money. And since Foxtel have gained the rights to broadcast live AFL games my subscription has increased.

Friday (): Worked - 6 hours.

Saturday (): Worked - 6 hours. After work went to see 'Tenacious D In; The Pick Of Destiny'.

Sunday (): Worked - 6 hours. Slept as much as possible when I got home - and my Nana came over for a visit.

Monday (12/7): Arsenal 2 - Wigan 1, I actually got to watch this game on television. This scoreline doesn't tell you how close Arsenal was to losing, they hadn't scored until the 81st minute (Fitz Hall own goal) and took the lead 3 minutes later thanks to Tomas Rosicky. Worked - 6 hours. Went and saw 'Smokin' Aces' after work. Got comics (3).

Tuesday (): Worked - 5 hours. Again it was my day off. And six days in a row is harsh - I would prefer five days with longer hours - just so I have some more time to recouperate.

Wednesday (): Saw 'Deja Vu'. (Day off, yay!). Bought myself a soccerball, seemed like a good idea. Played soccer. This week Saturn played on my side (Yankee, Jupiter and Jazz were all playing for the opposition). And the game was rather good, especially since I scored the first goal. It was a rather weak effort, I tapped the ball in after Jazz (the keeper at the time) failed to hold onto a real shot. This goal was really against the flow of play as the Red team had most of the ball and was taking a whole lot of shots (with a lot of miraculous saves). Eventually attrition won through and the Red team got a goal, evening up the scores. But this wasn't to last long as we finally got some significant possession and peppered the goals with shots (it also became clear why some players are defenders) we eventually got a nice little tap-in to regain the lead. With twenty minutes to play it looked like we would hold on to win the game - we had possession, and the red team looked like it was on the back foot, until they took the ball in defence and pumped it forward in a quick counter attack, they had three players forward and we had left only one defender and the keeper, noone else made it back in time to prevent the ball going into the back of the net. After this both teams fizzled out and the scores remained. Blue 2 - Red 2. Wins 6: Draws 1: Losses 0: Goals 4.

Thursday (8:20am): Bolton vs Arsenal, currently Arsenal is 1-0 up 5 minutes into the second half.

Stranger Than Fiction:
Film was good, apart from the 2/3 minutes where the sound cut out in the cinema. 3/5.

Tenacious D In: The Pick Of Destiny:
This film was very funny, even if it was a bit random. 3/5.

Smokin' Aces:
Entertaining but I thought it needed a more believable story. 2/5.

Deja Vu:
Better than I expected. Had the best line of any film I have ever seen: 'I need more cowbell' if you know where thats from - you deserve 5/5. 4/5.

Final Thought: I am sorry about the delay in posting (even if nobody complained about it) and I blame it on getting fox sports - usually I write this during a soccer game (as I am now) but with live games televised I think this will become rarer. I just realised this is my 50th post, yay me.


Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I'm Right Beside You

Still in pain from Monday (at least I think it was Monday). I just hope I don't have to work another 9.5 hoour shift.

'My World' News:

Tuesday (30/1): Lunch with Saturn didn't happen and we rescheduled to Wednesday when it again didn't happen. Went for a run in the afternoon after Saturn Cancelled on me.

Wednesday (): Soccer! This week I played on the Blue team with both Jupiter and Saturn playing for the Reds. I didn't do as well with the bal as I have in previous weeks and all of my shots tended to look more like passes (they were almost all off target and fell near-to the feet of my teammates). But for all my inability the Blue team still managed to take the lead in just over an hour of play with a little tap-in goal. The game throughout was very close and I thought it was surprising that the Red team didn't manage to even it up (or score at any stage), but it seemed they lacked the finishing touch - as they seemed to like blasting away from range with their best shot flying off and hitting a cricketer in the head (they play on an adjacent oval). When the second goal was scored, in surprisingly similar circumstances to the first, it was hard to see the Red team coming back, and they didn't. Blue 2 - Red 0. Wins 5: Draws 0: Losses 0: Goals 2. Oh yeah, during the course of the game I got crushed about three times - twice by my own teammates - maybe thats why I'm still in pain...

Thursday (7am): Arsenal vs Tottenham (Carling Cup) started 15 minutes ago. Later I may be having lunch with Saturn (I doubt it), but I should be going to see 'Stranger Than Fiction' with Blur.

Final Thought: Okay I think I was wrong blaming Monday for the pain I currently feel - 9.5 hours work and a 5km run does not cause as much pain as getting fallen on during a soccer match on three seperate occasions. I think I may just relax for today.

Monday, January 29, 2007

He'll Appear Out Of Nowhere

I must apologise for the long delay between posts but I do not think it was all my own fault. I usually update my blog when Arsenal are playing - this is because I can't actually watch the games on TV at the moment and have to sit in front of the computer to get live score updates and some kind of idea as to whats going on during the match. During the past two games there have been difficulties. During Tottenham vs Arsenal (at the start of the match) Blogspot itself was doing one of its repair things, and then during Arsenal vs Bolton my computer wouldn't connect to the internet. But I'm here now and hopefully its all better.

'My World' News:

Monday (22/1): There's not much I remember from this day. Arsenal 2 - Manchester United 1. I worked 6 hours and I enjoyed my 'Red Eye' more thas usual.And I hired out some movies - Apres Vous, Erik the Viking, some Julian Sands werewolf film and another film I can't remember (a comedy I think).

Tuesday (23/1): Not much happened today. I went and got myself a copy of Red Dwarf series 6 (to complement my purchase of Red Dwarf series 5 in the previous week). In the afternoon (for the second time this year and the second week in a row) I went running - yes my New Years Resolution of twice a week running was over after just one week but now I'm getting back on track (no pun intended).

Wednesday (): I went out in search of comics (delayed 'til Friday). After this I went to play soccer and what a game. Saturn didn't play this week (he had an 8 hr shift earlier in the day). Jupiter and 'Shooter' (new character) put us in the lead early with a goal each. But then I put a goal into the back of my own net, heading in a corner kick from the front post (past Jupiter funnily enough) and we were now only a goal ahead. But this mishap inspired me to make amends and score a goal at the other end of the pitch, and I did. I got an assist from Shooter and just dinked the ball in on the back post - it wasn't exactly the most glamorous goal but it put us back into a 2 goal lead. This match was made all the comical when another own goal sailed into the back of our net, when one of our players decided to chip the keeper (thinking to knock it out over the cross bar). After this unfortunate incident I was yet again found forward trying to give us back a 2 goal lead when I chipped the ball with my right foot (I'm left footed) around to defenders and straight towards the top corner of the goal - only for it to be saved and put out for a corner. Bastard. Red 3 - Blue 2. This was my fifth win in a row (At this venue I haven't even drawn) and my second goal in as many games. So from now on I'll tally those as well. 5 Wins: 0 Draws: 0 Losses: 2 Goals.

Thursday (): Didn't work this week. Tottenham 2 - Arsenal 2 in the Carling Cup semifinals. The winner of their match on Thursday 1 (Australian time) will go through to face Chelsea in the final. Went to see 'The Fountain' with Blur.

Friday (): Worked - 6 hours. Got comics (10), and paints (for my miniatures). After I arrived home I went for a run.

Saturday (): Worked - 6 hours, it was one of the produce guys last day (he hasn't featured before I don't think - though he did have lunch with me and Saturn around the start of the year - his name begins with S if that proves me wrong). Finished painting up my Rangers/Pathfinders - now I just need to base them and figure out how to post a picture of them on here when they are completed.

Sunday (): Worked - 6 hours. Slept for the soccer. And hired out movies - Phil The Alien, Willard, Head Of State, and Vampires: Out For Blood

Monday (): Arsenal 1 - Bolton 1. I didn't actually get to see the match but this result means that they will have to play again at Bolton's home ground to see who goes through to the next round of the FA cup. During the match I instead watched 'Phil The Alien'. I then went off to work for what I expected was a 6 hour day. It wasn't. I worked 6 hours in Meat (according to my contract) and then went on to work 3.5 hours in grocery (as an official 'Grocery Assistant'). And when I got home I went for a run.

Tuesday (today): Haven't done much so far - rolled out of bed at 11am and watched a little TV and such. I intend to have lunch with Saturn later but since he was off sick from work yesterday so I'm not exactly sure how thats going to go.

The Fountain: I really didn't like it. All the promotions went on about how it had a confusing storyline and was really hard to follow. This is not the case. It was easy to follow (the three different time periods) and instead of the storyline being confusing it was in fact incomplete, there were no connections between the time periods and the futile attempt to tie it together at the end was too little, too late. 2/5.

Final thought: The next post should be on Thursday morning during Arsenal vs Tottenham. At least I hope so.


Sunday, January 21, 2007

I'm Highly Animated

I've started watching 'Firefly' again (I have the entire series on DVD). Which got me thinking about 'Serenity' (The movie 'sequel' to the series), and where the hell my copy has gotten to. K-Man lent it out to SOMEONE (he has been very vague as to who and can't remember himself) probably two or three months ago - and I'm starting to miss it.

Sunday (14/1): Blackburn 0 - Arsenal 2. Even with Gilberto Silva sent off in the 13th minute Arsenal are still good enough to defeat the now 10th place team away from home. After the match I went to work - 6 hours. As it happens I saw Corona again today - once again not at work, didn't have a long conversation as she was on her way to work and was running a little late.

Monday (Wargames): Worked - 6 hours. When I got home K-Man told me to get my stuff as we were going to Oberon's for more gaming action. We managed to get through two games in the 8+ hours we were there, the first was a three way match with my Eldar facing the Black Templars (Oberon) and the Death Guard (K-Man), The second game was a four player Carnage scenario with the three teams mentioned and the World Eaters (Romeo) joining the fray. In the first game I was using a lot of my bare-metal miniatures (Fire Dragons, Howling Banshees, Pathfinders and an Autarch) in their first game out-of-the-box. And they did well. The first turn was in darkness so nothing much happened - My Swooping Hawks 'leapt' into the sky, the two squads of terminators on the table moved towards each other. Turn two saw the first round of firing as the armies got closer, My Swooping hawks came back and dropped their grenade pack on the large Death Guard squad in the ruins and killed three - even I was surprised at that - the Fire Dragons openned fire on the Death Guard Rhino and destroyed it, The Autarch fired his Reaper Launcher ineffectively and the Pathfinders all missed (they needed two's to hit - I got 5 one's). The Black Templars killed a couple guardians and they danced around the Death Guard..... and then got shot by the Death Guard and forced into a charge. Turn three sees the Swooping Hawks return to the skies before my combined firepower kills one Black Templar (Go Pathfinders), this is all made up for in the close combat though as the Howling Banshees charge into the de-rhino-ed Death Guard Squad and kill all of them before the Death Guard get to attack. The BlackTemplars kill more guardians, and watch in horror as the Emperors Champion gets squished by a power-fist. A consolidation move will see the terminators facing off against one another in turn four. But first the Banshees and the Avatar charge in against the other squad of Death Guard (all 2 of them) while the Pathfinders and Autarch fire upon the Black Templar squads (because the guardians are having trouble hitting anything) and two go down, one to the Pathfinders and the other to the Autarch (his first kill). The terminators manage to kill a lot of each other and only the Death Guard are left standing (three and a Lord). Who decide to shoot up the Banshees, leaving only two standing. Turn five sees the Swooping Hawks return again and blow some Black templars to smithereens, and the combined firepower of the Fire Dragons, Pathfinders and Autarch (the guardians have run off) sees that there are only three Black Templars left. It's at this point where the Death Guard and Black Templars align together to try and repel the Eldar host (with their 7 remaining warriors). The Banshees and Avatar want revenge for the death of the three Banshees shot down by the Death Guard Terminators. The Banshees die off and the Avatar loses two wounds but there are only two terminators left now with the Lord on one wound. The Black Templars charge into the Swooping Hawks and die horribly - leaving one single Black Templar on the field, who blew up the Fire Dragons killing three of them. Turn six saw the death of the lone Black Templar, killed by the Fire Dragons, the death of the Avatar, courtesy of the Death Guard, and the death of a terminator, also the fault of the Fire Dragons - when the terminators charged into them and killed them. I now had seven figures left and one of them was the Swooping Hawk who again leapt away, The Autarch charged the Chaos Lord after the Pathfinders failed to shoot it dead. The Autarch died horribly. The Chaos Lord then strolled over and did the same thing to the Pathfinders and that was when we called the game a draw - the Swooping Hawk needed a lot of sixes to kill the Lord, and the Lord would have trouble shooting down the Hawk. Game Two, this game was rather messy so I'll only give you some short highlights: Turn 1 - 4 Death Guard Terminators killed by the Pathfinders. Turn 2 - Death of 3 Pathfinders to the Terminators, Death of the Fire Dragons, Emergence of the Bloodthirster. Turn 3 - Death of 2 Pathfinders, and 2 Terminators in close combat (the Avatar killed the Terminators), the Chaos Dreadnaught charges the Black Templar Terminators (and is destroyed), the World Eaters Chaos Lord, the Khorne Berserkers, and the newly emerged Khorne Deamons (not the Bloodthirster, the other ones) charge the squad of Black Templars (Including the Emperor's Champion), and the Bloodthirster charging the Howling Banshees, killing three. Turn 4 - The Black Templar Terminators enter the messy World Eater fight, the Death Guard sneak up on the objective, the Autarch charges the terminators (and dies), The Avatar reduces the Death Guard Terminators to the Lord alone (and on 1 wound), the Guardians Charge the Bloodthirster, and the World Eater Chaos Lord dies. Turn 5 - The Khorne Deamons are killed, the Death Guard Chaos Lord is killed (the Avatar gets his revenge), and the Bloodthirster is reduced to one wound. Turn 6 - The Black Templars kill off the World Eaters and look towards the 21 Death Guard sitting on the objective, the death of the last Banshee, and the Bloodthirster (killed by guardians!). Turn 7 - Black Templar Terminator Lord killed by Death Guard, Guardians killing masses of Death Guard (shooting) and the Avatar vs Emperor's Champion fight (Avatar died). Turn 8 - Black Templars start moving towards the objective (except the Emperor's Champion), The guardians charge the Emperor's Champion and the Death Guard Rhino sitting on the objective - nothing happens and the game ends - I win!

Tuesday (): 2:30am - That second 40k game just finished and I started walking home. Later in the day I saw 'Pursuit of Happyness' with my Mum.

Wednesday (): Got comics (8). Saw Jupiter on the train (and talked to him for a couple minutes). Played soccer with Jupiter and Saturn (Saturn was Blue, Jupiter and myself were Red again), The first goal was a tap-in for the Blue team. But that was quickly nullified when the Reds got a goal (all thanks to my Assist) from a mile out. The game was very tight and noone got any clear advantage for the next ten or twenty minutes when a Blue goal crept across the line, just before another Red goal did as well. At two all the game started to turn for the Red team and we started to get the advantage (after I had my stint as goalkeeper and was out running again). We were getting the shots but it took until about the 70th minute for us to put one in and finally hit the lead. At this stage almost all of the Blue team were going very slowly and a sequence of high speed counter attacks saw another Red goal go in and put the result in no doubt whatsoever. And with 5 minutes left Saturn took his turn as goalkeeper and things got interesting. With around a minute to go I get the ball in the forward right corner, I drag it past a defender and start to move in front of goal so I can take a shot, but the ball gets taken off me (by my own player!) who then crosses it into the middle where another of my teammantes (Jupiter maybe?) lined up to hit Saturn and then the ball came out to me. It sat up nicely for a half volley (on the left too which was nice), and I put the boot in and saw the ball fly into the bottom left hand corner - by the time Saturn saw it coming it was too late. It took me only four games (ever) but I have my first goal.

Thursday (18/1): I worked (on my day off) - 5 hours. Even though Saturn didn't want to hear about what happened during game on Wednesday at work I still told Belerephon pretty much as soon as I got in. I was vague about the details, but I did say that I had a good game and Saturn had a bad one.

Friday (): Worked again - 6 hours.

Saturday (): More work - 6 hours.

Sunday (): Guess what? you got it, I worked again - for another 6 hours. But today I found out that they (Management?) haven't hired anyone for the position in meat and that I am stuck there for the time being.

Monday (2:00am): Arsenal vs Manchester United at 3:00am and I have barely slept. I tried that 'Mother' drink (a Coca Cola Company caffiene energy drink) and I just couldn't do it. I had a sip and I felt sick - I want a Red Eye Platinum now and I know I can't get one for another four hours. After the game I will work for another 6 hours today (and maybe tonight I'll play more 40k)

Pursuit of Happyness: Better than I expected though I still am unsure if I liked it, the choices in cinema this year so far are pretty slim. 3/5.

Final Thought: I have been putting together all of my Eldar stuff from the past three months in preparation for a campaign next month. It appears that we will also be doing something in Mordheim - I've already decided that I'm taking Middenheimers (Its all about the strength).