Sunday, January 21, 2007

I'm Highly Animated

I've started watching 'Firefly' again (I have the entire series on DVD). Which got me thinking about 'Serenity' (The movie 'sequel' to the series), and where the hell my copy has gotten to. K-Man lent it out to SOMEONE (he has been very vague as to who and can't remember himself) probably two or three months ago - and I'm starting to miss it.

Sunday (14/1): Blackburn 0 - Arsenal 2. Even with Gilberto Silva sent off in the 13th minute Arsenal are still good enough to defeat the now 10th place team away from home. After the match I went to work - 6 hours. As it happens I saw Corona again today - once again not at work, didn't have a long conversation as she was on her way to work and was running a little late.

Monday (Wargames): Worked - 6 hours. When I got home K-Man told me to get my stuff as we were going to Oberon's for more gaming action. We managed to get through two games in the 8+ hours we were there, the first was a three way match with my Eldar facing the Black Templars (Oberon) and the Death Guard (K-Man), The second game was a four player Carnage scenario with the three teams mentioned and the World Eaters (Romeo) joining the fray. In the first game I was using a lot of my bare-metal miniatures (Fire Dragons, Howling Banshees, Pathfinders and an Autarch) in their first game out-of-the-box. And they did well. The first turn was in darkness so nothing much happened - My Swooping Hawks 'leapt' into the sky, the two squads of terminators on the table moved towards each other. Turn two saw the first round of firing as the armies got closer, My Swooping hawks came back and dropped their grenade pack on the large Death Guard squad in the ruins and killed three - even I was surprised at that - the Fire Dragons openned fire on the Death Guard Rhino and destroyed it, The Autarch fired his Reaper Launcher ineffectively and the Pathfinders all missed (they needed two's to hit - I got 5 one's). The Black Templars killed a couple guardians and they danced around the Death Guard..... and then got shot by the Death Guard and forced into a charge. Turn three sees the Swooping Hawks return to the skies before my combined firepower kills one Black Templar (Go Pathfinders), this is all made up for in the close combat though as the Howling Banshees charge into the de-rhino-ed Death Guard Squad and kill all of them before the Death Guard get to attack. The BlackTemplars kill more guardians, and watch in horror as the Emperors Champion gets squished by a power-fist. A consolidation move will see the terminators facing off against one another in turn four. But first the Banshees and the Avatar charge in against the other squad of Death Guard (all 2 of them) while the Pathfinders and Autarch fire upon the Black Templar squads (because the guardians are having trouble hitting anything) and two go down, one to the Pathfinders and the other to the Autarch (his first kill). The terminators manage to kill a lot of each other and only the Death Guard are left standing (three and a Lord). Who decide to shoot up the Banshees, leaving only two standing. Turn five sees the Swooping Hawks return again and blow some Black templars to smithereens, and the combined firepower of the Fire Dragons, Pathfinders and Autarch (the guardians have run off) sees that there are only three Black Templars left. It's at this point where the Death Guard and Black Templars align together to try and repel the Eldar host (with their 7 remaining warriors). The Banshees and Avatar want revenge for the death of the three Banshees shot down by the Death Guard Terminators. The Banshees die off and the Avatar loses two wounds but there are only two terminators left now with the Lord on one wound. The Black Templars charge into the Swooping Hawks and die horribly - leaving one single Black Templar on the field, who blew up the Fire Dragons killing three of them. Turn six saw the death of the lone Black Templar, killed by the Fire Dragons, the death of the Avatar, courtesy of the Death Guard, and the death of a terminator, also the fault of the Fire Dragons - when the terminators charged into them and killed them. I now had seven figures left and one of them was the Swooping Hawk who again leapt away, The Autarch charged the Chaos Lord after the Pathfinders failed to shoot it dead. The Autarch died horribly. The Chaos Lord then strolled over and did the same thing to the Pathfinders and that was when we called the game a draw - the Swooping Hawk needed a lot of sixes to kill the Lord, and the Lord would have trouble shooting down the Hawk. Game Two, this game was rather messy so I'll only give you some short highlights: Turn 1 - 4 Death Guard Terminators killed by the Pathfinders. Turn 2 - Death of 3 Pathfinders to the Terminators, Death of the Fire Dragons, Emergence of the Bloodthirster. Turn 3 - Death of 2 Pathfinders, and 2 Terminators in close combat (the Avatar killed the Terminators), the Chaos Dreadnaught charges the Black Templar Terminators (and is destroyed), the World Eaters Chaos Lord, the Khorne Berserkers, and the newly emerged Khorne Deamons (not the Bloodthirster, the other ones) charge the squad of Black Templars (Including the Emperor's Champion), and the Bloodthirster charging the Howling Banshees, killing three. Turn 4 - The Black Templar Terminators enter the messy World Eater fight, the Death Guard sneak up on the objective, the Autarch charges the terminators (and dies), The Avatar reduces the Death Guard Terminators to the Lord alone (and on 1 wound), the Guardians Charge the Bloodthirster, and the World Eater Chaos Lord dies. Turn 5 - The Khorne Deamons are killed, the Death Guard Chaos Lord is killed (the Avatar gets his revenge), and the Bloodthirster is reduced to one wound. Turn 6 - The Black Templars kill off the World Eaters and look towards the 21 Death Guard sitting on the objective, the death of the last Banshee, and the Bloodthirster (killed by guardians!). Turn 7 - Black Templar Terminator Lord killed by Death Guard, Guardians killing masses of Death Guard (shooting) and the Avatar vs Emperor's Champion fight (Avatar died). Turn 8 - Black Templars start moving towards the objective (except the Emperor's Champion), The guardians charge the Emperor's Champion and the Death Guard Rhino sitting on the objective - nothing happens and the game ends - I win!

Tuesday (): 2:30am - That second 40k game just finished and I started walking home. Later in the day I saw 'Pursuit of Happyness' with my Mum.

Wednesday (): Got comics (8). Saw Jupiter on the train (and talked to him for a couple minutes). Played soccer with Jupiter and Saturn (Saturn was Blue, Jupiter and myself were Red again), The first goal was a tap-in for the Blue team. But that was quickly nullified when the Reds got a goal (all thanks to my Assist) from a mile out. The game was very tight and noone got any clear advantage for the next ten or twenty minutes when a Blue goal crept across the line, just before another Red goal did as well. At two all the game started to turn for the Red team and we started to get the advantage (after I had my stint as goalkeeper and was out running again). We were getting the shots but it took until about the 70th minute for us to put one in and finally hit the lead. At this stage almost all of the Blue team were going very slowly and a sequence of high speed counter attacks saw another Red goal go in and put the result in no doubt whatsoever. And with 5 minutes left Saturn took his turn as goalkeeper and things got interesting. With around a minute to go I get the ball in the forward right corner, I drag it past a defender and start to move in front of goal so I can take a shot, but the ball gets taken off me (by my own player!) who then crosses it into the middle where another of my teammantes (Jupiter maybe?) lined up to hit Saturn and then the ball came out to me. It sat up nicely for a half volley (on the left too which was nice), and I put the boot in and saw the ball fly into the bottom left hand corner - by the time Saturn saw it coming it was too late. It took me only four games (ever) but I have my first goal.

Thursday (18/1): I worked (on my day off) - 5 hours. Even though Saturn didn't want to hear about what happened during game on Wednesday at work I still told Belerephon pretty much as soon as I got in. I was vague about the details, but I did say that I had a good game and Saturn had a bad one.

Friday (): Worked again - 6 hours.

Saturday (): More work - 6 hours.

Sunday (): Guess what? you got it, I worked again - for another 6 hours. But today I found out that they (Management?) haven't hired anyone for the position in meat and that I am stuck there for the time being.

Monday (2:00am): Arsenal vs Manchester United at 3:00am and I have barely slept. I tried that 'Mother' drink (a Coca Cola Company caffiene energy drink) and I just couldn't do it. I had a sip and I felt sick - I want a Red Eye Platinum now and I know I can't get one for another four hours. After the game I will work for another 6 hours today (and maybe tonight I'll play more 40k)

Pursuit of Happyness: Better than I expected though I still am unsure if I liked it, the choices in cinema this year so far are pretty slim. 3/5.

Final Thought: I have been putting together all of my Eldar stuff from the past three months in preparation for a campaign next month. It appears that we will also be doing something in Mordheim - I've already decided that I'm taking Middenheimers (Its all about the strength).


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