Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Bah Hamburg

This week has been quite eventful. And if I don't get started on it now I might not get finished by the end of the FC Porto/Arsenal match.

'My World' News:

Sunday (3/12): As luck would have it I was proved wrong again. With around 20 minutes left in the Arsenal/Tottenham game Gilberto (Aparecido da Silva) scored from another penalty and made the final score Arsenal 3 - Tottenham 0. After the match I went to work and managed to cut myself with my badge. This is made even more strange due to the fact that my job requires me to have a box-cutter on my person and I have no cut myself with that so far - but as soon as I put my name badge next to it in my pocket, it comes open and drags itself across my thigh leaving a nice neat cut about an inch in length. And to think, I didn't even notice it at the time.

Monday (): Nothing of note happens today. I work, and thats about it.

Tuesday (): From last week you may remember that I had lunch with Saturn - Well that has turned into a weekly thing (we did agree to this last week but things can change). And this week things did change - rather than it being just the two of us Saturn invited some young ladies to join us (after asking me). Having lunch with these two girls was quite enjoyable, but that wasn't all. With it being summer here (and Tuesday was the hottest day of the week at 33C) we all ended up at the beach. It was a very good day. (BTW in future these two girls will be referred to as March and May - March being the girl I work with and May is her Congolese friend).

Wednesday (): I got up early and watched the Barcelona/Werder Bremen match - Barcelona being the Champions League title holders and never in history have the holders dropped out in the group stages (which they would have done here had they lost the match). Final score: Barcelona 2 - Werder Bremen 0. This concluded the group A games (and groups B, C, and D finished around the same time) meaning that 8 teams have so far been decided to go through to the knockout stages: Group A: Chelsea and Barcelona, Group B: Bayern Munich, Inter Milan, Group C: Liverpool, PSV Eindhoven, Group D: Valencia and Roma. The rest of the places will be decided by 9am (here) Thursday. Later in the day I went and saw 'A Scanner Darkly' (and will review it later) before checking in to see if this weeks comics had come in. FAILURE. Due to christmas, last minute US shipping (big shopping stores - not individual orders), my comics won't come in until Friday (at earliest). But I know what You've been waiting for - My poker round. It's now week eight of a ten week tournament (I didn't start playing until week four or something) and so this feature may be short lived. Well onto the games then; First couple of rounds were quite slow, I stole a blind or two and was happy to be a slight chip leader. In the eighth hand though (I only know this because I was small blind in the first hand and I was small blind again this hand) I had a 6/8 suited (hearts) and there were about five players already in and the pot looked quite nice so I called. The flop came up 5/7(hearts)/10(diamonds) and I was looking at a possible straight flush. I bet big (600 - blinds were 25/50) and was raised to 1100 (all in) - it was down to two players and I called. I was up against and unsuited A/K - I was losing but I had a lot of outs. The turn came up a 2 of spades - no help to either of us (though better for my opponent). And then came the river - a 2 of hearts. Thats one player down. A few hands later I got a Q/10 and called the big blind - There were three or four players (in the hand) at that stage. The flop came up 10/X/X (I can't remember what those cards were but they didn't matter). I put in a small bet (50 or 100) and I got raised by the little old lady sitting next to me (she went all in), everyone else drops out and I decide to call it. Cards are turned over and she has a 6/6 and gets no help from the turn or river. Thats two down. Less than two hands later I get another playable hand (at least I thought it was playable) A/8. I call the big blind and there are two of us in at the flop. Q/Q/10. Very scary flop. The big blind bets 500 (blinds are now 50/100 and I can well cover 500) so I go for the steal and raise another 1000 - call. This time he checks his hand and I think he is weak - I bet 2000, he calls again. The river card comes up - a 6 or something - and he goes all in (either that or he was all in on the turn) and I call. Its my A vs his K - neither of us had the Q and another one bites the dust. Third down. After that hand our table is replenished with players (You don't actually win tables until theres only one table left - they want full tables of players) and since I am the overwhelming chip leader I decide to push them around. The small blind comes back to me and I call the big blind with a 4/7 off-suit. Flop comes up 10/4/4, I bet first - 1000 (blinds are 100/200) - and they both fold. these kind of antics continue until on one hand they both decide to go all in (and call me). One of them had a low pair (and the lowest chip stack) and the other had a K high to my A high - no-one caught any cards whatsoever and the short stack tripled up and I walked away with about the same amount as I started the hand with. Fourth down. At this stage I have gotten further than I ever had previously, so I was doing okay. The table got replenished again (my Mum's table got broken up). I didn't do much more in the next couple of hands so I decided to play with an A/2 of hearts - I was called by two players and the flop came up A/10/9 unsuited. I went all in with about 5 or 6,000 and was called by the chip leader (sitting next to me) - the other guy decided to sit it out. Cards got turned over and she had an A/6 or something - she was just leading. The turn came up and it was a K - we were both even at that stage, only a 2 or 6 would change things. And the river came up a 5. Split pot. Our table was wittled down to 4 players (a full table has 8) and then broken up - there were two tables left. The next hand I played I got a Q/J and was forced (or at least agreed to) all in before the flop - there was just the two of us playing and I was against 6/6 again. The flop came up 10/5/2. As we were all in the next two cards were dealt quickly. The turn: 9, the river: 8. I dodged a bullet by catching a straight with two runners and knocked another player out of the game. Fifth down. The next two hands saw me as big and small blinds (500/1000), both times I'm forced away from the hand due to weak cards and bets of 2000 (I had around 6000 after the last KO). I got a 2/2 (the second pair I had all night) and decided to go all in - the only person who called me had 500 less than me and so we flipped our cards, I was facing a 5/5. I didn't catch anything and was left with just one chip. The very next hand I got a K/Q so I used that single chip I had. The small blind calls and the big blind goeas all in, a quick call later and the cards are turned over - the small blind has 5/5 and the big blind has A/K. With an A coming up on the turn I had no more chances - I was out. I came in 15th (out of a field close to 60) - and was knocked out by the 6th place finisher - who started at the same table I did.

Thursday (8am): I started writing this post at around 6:30 and that is the current time. FC Porto vs Arsenal is still scoreless with about 20 minutes left... And I just got called in to work so I'll have to finish this post another time.


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