Tuesday, November 07, 2006

(Edit): I keep forgetting to title these things....

Its taken me over a week to put up a new post. This is due to a myriad of things: 1. The last three Arsenal matches have been televised (usually I write before/during the matches), 2. I got my Eldar Army box (lots of stuff to do), 3. Work has been rather intense. but I'm back now.

'My World' News:

Monday (30/10): This is a revisit. When I said I worked I didn't mention that I worked an extra half hour - I implied that I was on my regular scheduling. It's not that important, but I want to be as accurate as possible.

Tuesday (Movies): Watched 'The Machinist' and got some more movies, Alien vs Predator, Barry Lyndon, Three Kings and ...... I can't remember the last one, I returned them yesterday and this is just going to annoy me all day. Knew I should have updated sooner.

Wednesday (1/11): It was either this day or thursday that Arenal vs CSKA moscow occurred. The result was a 0-0 draw, this means that the group is CSKA Moscow 8 points from four games, Arsenal 7, FC Porto 7, Hamburg FC 0. This means that any of the top three teams can go through - only two will and they have two games left. Got my Eldar Army Box. Looked for comics - met with failure. Watched 'AVP'.

Thursday (2/11): Got Comics (7). My brother asked me to get him an NFL football, and I did. Watched 'Three Kings'. Went and saw 'Saw III' with Blur.

Friday (): Worked - half an hour less to make up for the extra work I did on Monday. Threw around the NFL ball with K-Man.

Saturday (): Worked - normal hours. Lots of conversation with Saturn - it appears that Thor has disappeared - we don't know whats happened to him. Threw the NFL ball around some more after work. Watched 'Unknown Movie' - I wish I knew what it was - it's an actiony movie that I've seen before (I only know this because when I was hiring them out I thought it was interesting that all the films I wanted I'd seen before)

Sunday (): Worked. Slept. Got up just before midnight......

Monday (): ....to watch West Ham vs Arsenal - West Ham won 1-0. Went back to bed at 5am to get up at 5:30am to go to work, where I worked for 8 hours. Fell asleep at around 10:45pm and missed the end of 'Oz' which is my favourite show and I am so pissed off about missing the end.

Tuesday (Day off): Watched 'Barry Lyndon'. Hired out more movies: Fun with Dick and Jane, 2001: A Space Oddessey, The Dukes of Hazzard, and Roger Dodger.

Wednesday (): Nothing much going on yet. Will go and watch one of my movies later, and play in a small poker tournament (no cash involved - its a points thing and at the end of the season there is a prize, its halfway through the season and this will be my first game - at least it gives me some practice for when my friends organise a poker night).

Final Thought: Will probably update this tomorrow when Arsenal play Everton - this update will include a review of 'Saw III'.


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