Sunday, November 12, 2006

Bereft of Me

I'm updating Blogger - now it uses my google account. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. I wrote this while it was updating - and came second to the update by 39 minutes.

'My World' News:

Thursday (2/11): One last point and I'll never come back to this day - I (and Blur after watching Saw III) saw AH, a guy from our highschool. All of us were in the same house group but I first met AH through school sport - hockey (He was a year ahead of Blur and myself). In year 8 I was chosen (instead of AH) for the 9A team, it was only once and we did play different positions at the time (I was a defender and he was a forward) but neither of us was ever chosen again, and by the time I was in year 11 (AH's final year) we were playing the same position (Centre Forward) and I was chosen in the seconds team and he was in the thirds (there wasn't always enough people to make up a competitive thirds team - the minimum number of players is 6 to start a game). This is probably the only time I'll mention AH.

Wednesday (8/11): Watched 'Fun with Dick and Jane'. Got comics (11), and one for K-Man (Gen-13 #2). Played in a poker tournament - really bad tournament, as soon as a table was defeated the winner didn't wait 'til the next round s/he just joined another table with any gaps. I managed to outlast 3 players (starts with eight) on my table and the empty seats were all filled before I lost out. I even managed to knock out a player on the fourth hand of the table - and this was the SECOND player to leave our table because my pocket threes beat a pair of pocket kings when a three came up on the turn. But the second hand saw her husband knocked out (I was dealing) and three sixes came up on the flop. In the end I was there about two hours and was knocked out by the same girl as the first guy was - she was attractive and that put me off. When I got home I watched 'Dukes of Hazzard'.

Thursday (9/11): Arsenal won 1-0 against Everton thanks to an Emmanuel Adebayor strike in the 85th minute. Watched 'Roger Dodger' followed by '2001' but I kept falling asleep during 2001 - its so long and I was so tired. Went and saw 'A Good Year' with Blur. On my way home ran into someone else from highschool, TS - the guy is an absolute tosser and I wanted to hit him within about five seconds of seeing him. The strangest thing though is that Saturn mentioned him on Saturday (4/11) because they used to go to school together.

Friday (back on track): Worked.

Saturday (getting closer now): Worked. talked to Saturn and apparently the recent disappearance of Thor is due to his escape to europe for a week - even though he isn't scheduled for holidays - how this will affect his employment I can only guess, my guess being he'll be fired.

Sunday (yesterday): Worked. Slept.

Monday (The Now): Got up at 2am to find K-Man on the computer - he has to work at 6am and apparently 'can't sleep' so he doesn't even try. Why does that not surprise me. Arsenal vs Liverpool at 3am (its why I am/was up at 2am). Will work later, and probably try and watch '2001' again.


Saw III:
Could have been better. I was told it would be gory, and so expected more than I got. If you liked the series this is just what the doctor ordered - more of the same. The first two traps are the goriest and as long as you can get past them you will probably enjoy the movie - if you can't get past them, well, what did you expect? 3/5.

A Good Year:
No it wasn't. As soon as I saw this I told Blur that Russell Crowe was not right for the part (He didn't get to fight anyone), it didn't help that the plot was thin and easy to follow - and for the most part easy to predict. 2/5.

Final thought: I know, I said I would update on Thursday and now its Monday, at least there is a 'Saw III' review. Hopefully the next update will come sooner - but Arsenal doesn't play again 'til next week so it may be a while. Maybe there will be some story in the next post. But knowing me there are no promises.

Baltasar (I'm going to sign off my posts now so I can write my psuedonym (I hope thats how you spell it)- this post has had a lot of psuedonyms so why not mine?)


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