Saturday, November 25, 2006

Bah Humbug.

I work in an environment where music is pumped over a PA system and for the last two weeks I have been listening to Christmas carols. Now I'm not a scrooge and at Christmas I always give presents to my family. I just don't enjoy the music associated with the holiday.

Tuesday (21/11): Bought a CD (U2 - 18 Singles).

Wednesday (): Arsenal 3 - Hamburg 1. Arsenal and FC Porto now lead the group on 10 points each and CSKA Moscow is third on 8 - any of them can go through (Hamburg is on 0 points and can't get through). And now to the poker - it was a short game, my fourth hand was a pair of sevens and the flop came down Q/7/4 and I was in with a set of 7's. my opponent bet 100 (we start with 1,000) and so I raised to 300, which was called. The turn was a 2 and we both checked. The river came up as an ace and my opponent went all in for 800. I called. My set of 7's lost to his set of Aces. And I was out, first out at the table and second out on the night.

Thursday (): To console me after that horrible night of poker I bought myself a PS2. I got GT4, LMA 2004, FIFA 2003, Soul Reaver 2, XIII and Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII.

Friday (): Worked.

Saturday (25/11): Worked. Voted. Talked to Saturn's brother (I don't know his name but now he will be called Jupiter)

Sunday (4am): Bolton vs Arsenal.

Final Thought: I think I may have jinxed myself when I said I hoped to finish better than fourth out in the poker - though this statement is true I will just play the cards I'm dealt.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

difficult hand. bad beat there. only suggestion would be to have raised on the turn, maybe even all-in. mistake to give him a free card, should make him pay while you're ahead. u can only fear a set of q's. very unlucky for u anyway.

3:02 AM  

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