Monday, October 30, 2006

Musically Hampered

The response to my last post was phenomenal - and on a side note: if you keep attaching your name to your responses 'Klueless Kamel' then you don't need a number. And I need to say this - My iPod is ruining my creativity (or at least thats my new excuse) - during my walks to work I now have music blasting into my head and cannot concentrate on the next part of the story. But thats something I'm going to learn to deal with. I mean, I can write this with my music blasting.

'My World' news:

Thursday (Forgotten): I forgot to mention that I ran into a guy from high school, RP. I run into him on a semi-regular basis so he may become a recurring character.

Friday (): Worked. Got Comics (7/8). Went to 'Sanity' in Melbourne Central to try and find a VAST CD (I've been looking for this forever - I want a CD with both 'Touched' and 'Free' on it). Met with failure. Watched 'Sorority Boys'.

Saturday (): Worked. Ran - with iPod - didn't go much faster, but did manage to do some damage to my left 'big' toe. Don't think I need to go into specifics but I won't run too soon (a week or two at best).

Sunday (): Watched Arsenal vs Everton (on TV! yay!), final score: 1:1 draw (Tim Cahill scored in the 11th minute and Robin van Persie scored in the 71st). Watched 'Who is Cletis Tout'. Worked.

Monday (yesterday): Worked. Went looking for the one comic I forgot to pick up on Friday - success. Got 'Trials of Shazam #3'. Got more CDs ('Chilled in the Sun' - compilation, 'When it All Falls' - Zero 7, and 'Supernatural' - Santana).

Tuesday (Today): Not much going on (Its my day off). currently its 11:18am and I got up an hour and a half ago. I'll probably watch 'The Machinist' today and go and get some more movies.

Wednesday (Back to the Future): Going to pick up my 'Eldar Army' and codex. AND this week I get the day off - yay!

Final Thought: I have the next part of the story in my head - I just don't know how to get there, and I can't really ask for suggestions because I don't want anyone knowing what this part is until its written (though some speculation in the response section may actually help me out - or may appear later in the story).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, maybe I'll try being anonymous then.


9:57 AM  

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