Saturday, November 18, 2006

Dead Men Can't Play Cards

I have found out that I only have confidence when I'm at a card table - This is why I enjoy playing poker. A lot of people sweat or mumble or have some other visual clues as to concentration and worry, as far as I know I do this very little, I become loud and extroverted and seem to no longer concentrate on the cards - I act on interaction. Hoping to get a sense of what my opponent has before I act.

'My World' News:

Monday (13/11): Arsenal 3 - Liverpool 0. The best way to start any day of the week. Worked. Ran into two other highschool 'chums' on my way home - SH and GL - had a short chat with them, nothing really intense, I didn't really talk to these guys much when I was in highschool why would that change now? Got a haircut. Didn't watch 2001, and for the second week in a row I fell asleep during 'Oz'. Oh yeah, my Dad quit his job today (he is still working for about a month).

Tuesday (Day off): Slept in. Went and saw 'The Wrong Man' - wanted to see it on Thursday but Blur preferred to see 'A Good Year' (and since it was his free tickets I didn't argue). Slept some more. Got CDs whilst I was there - 'Fashion Nugget' by Cake and a double CD set of Taxiride (Imaginate and Garage Mahal).

Wednesday (Day off?): Got called in to work - lots of managers missing due to meetings at other stores and such. Got 4 hours work. Saw TS again - avoided him. Got my Farseer box set and comics (7). Played (RSL) poker, this week I knocked out 2 players, the first time I had pocket aces and the guy flopped a pair of kings (I slow played my hand), the second time I had a K/2 pocket and was against 4/5 hearts - I won with king high. I got knocked out when my A/6 played off against a pair of 2's. I was all in after the flop (A/7/2), at that stage I was second in chips by about four hundred (I had about 4/5 thousand) and of course it is the chip leader who chooses to take me on. I needed two runners - I didn't get either. But, I didn't know this at the time, the girl sitting across from me went to the same highschool as me (did I mention the first guy I knocked out was her dad?), and brought along some other guys from there (I recognised one of them which was how I realised they were from my highschool).

Thursday (definate day off): Went and saw 'A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints' - was hoping to see 'The Prestige' with Blur but he's seeing it with his family (he's probably seen it already), I'll see it Tuesday. Did I mention that Blur quit his job? No? well he did. Last Thursday. AFTER we saw 'A Good Year'.

Friday (): Work. Sleep.

Saturday (18/11): Worked - Still haven't seen Thor. Slept for Soccer.

Sunday (currently 1am): Arsenal vs Newcastle 2am. Work 7am. Home 2pm. Sleep 3pm. Thats the plan.


The Wrong Man:
Josh Hartnett is becoming a good actor - this role, 'Sin City', and 'The Black Dahlia' are going to make him great. The US title for the film was 'Lucky Number Slevin' (Slevin being the main character) and I'd heard about it at the start of the year and I wanted to see it then and I still want to see it now (again). The only problem was that I thought some of it was predictable, but not nearly as much as a lot of other films. 4/5.

A Guide to Recognizing Your Saints:
I really wanted to like this film. And even though I didn't I still know it deserves perfect marks. 5/5.

Final Thought: Sorry about the lack of story. What do you expect?



Anonymous Anonymous said...

u say u were all-in after the flop. did u call all-in or did u go all-in before your opponent acted?

3:22 PM  
Blogger Baltasar said...

call, I bet 1000 before he acted, and then he bet 3000 putting me all in for another 2000. And where's your number?

11:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no number.
to call in that situation for all of your chips is a big mistake.
you had A-6
flop was A-7-2
you've been re-raised all-in.
he's not going to re-raise with a pair of 7's or 2's.
best you could have hoped for was to be up against an Ace with a lower kicker. i.e. for him to be aggressive like that, he had to be playing with top pair or a set. given your kicker (6) sucked ass, you were basically drawing dead.

5:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my basic point is: don't over-value having top pair.
btw, u might wanna check out lee jones book on poker, it's specifically about low-limit, but it would still be very useful in no-limit tournaments.

5:57 PM  

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