Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Card Crazed

It seems to me that the most interesting thing about this blog is my pokering on wednesday nights. Because of this I will try and be as precise about what went on as I can.

'My World' news:

Wednesday (15/11): There was another player knocked out before I was (though it wasn't by me) and before the flop he had a pair of Queens (I had a Q/7), and there was only him and the girl (I mentioned her in my last post) in for the flop. A/Q/7 came up and she went all in (at the time she was second in the chip count, I wonder who was chip leader.........) and with three queens how could he not call? She had pocket Aces. There were no other cards drawn that mattered (he was drawing dead anyway I think). He was the third player to leave our table.

Sunday (19/11): Arsenal 1 - Newcastle 1. There were problems with my computer so it took an extra hour to get the final result of the match (it wasn't televised). At the time I felt that it wasn't going to finish in time for me to see the end before i needed to leave for work. Worked my standard six hours. Home. Sleep.

Monday (20/11): Worked. Cooked spagetti (my parents were both at work), experimented with the sauce - tomato sauce, mince beef, oregano, three tomatoes - ended in failure, future alterations: Tomato PASTE instead of sauce, less oregano. Otherwise it went quite well. Hired out 'Mirrormask', 'Colour Me Kubrik' and Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children.' Managed to stay awake during 'Oz' and then watched 'Mirrormask'.

Tuesday (): Watched 'Colour Me Kubrik' and 'FFVII: AC' before returning them all. Went and saw 'The Prestige.' There were faults in the projection and early in the film five minutes were interrupted with silence and no vision onscreen.

Wednesday (today): Arsenal vs Hamburg SV. And later today - poker.

The Prestige: Could have been better. The projection faults didn't help. And I really didn't like the ending - the secret to tesla's machine. 4/5.

Final Thought: Hopefully I can get further in the poker tonight. Getting knocked out fourth on the tble is nothing to be proud of.



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