Saturday, December 16, 2006

Sometimes a Little Madness Helps

I will explain how the NPL poker tournament works at my outlet - the players start with $1000 in chips and the blinds are 25/50, they increase to 50/100, then 100/200, through 200/400 and 300/600 before the second break (I don't know when the first break is). Before the first break people can put in drinks cards and get another $500, the cards are drawn during the breaks with the player getting $1000 - during the first break this can be anyone (in or out) but during the second break this can only be someone who has been knocked out already. after the second break blinds go to 500/1000 and continue until there's a winner (big blinds being 1000/2000/4000/6000/10,000/etc.).

Wednesday (13/12): Had lunch with Saturn and again we were accompanied by two young ladies - different ones this time. That all ended too early and later I played poker. This being the second last game of the tournament I needed to show some ability. The first hand I went in on was a A/Q of Diamonds, there were four players to see the flop (9/6/3 unsuited) and as I was first to act I went all-in (About $800) and two dropped out and the chip leader at that stage decided to call me. The cards were turned and she had a K/7. The turn came - a 7 - I was not happy. And I was then saved on the river when a Queen came up. I played a K/J of Diamonds (I needed to pay a $100 pre-flop raise) against two other players. The flop came up J/8/6 and I was first to act and bet $300 - and was called by both players. The turn came up with another Jack and so I bet another $1000 (I was a slight chip leader at that stage but had these two covered) and was again seen by both opponents (at at this stage I'm thinking someone else has to have a Jack). The river came up a 3 and I bet another $1000 - which would force both players all-in - and I got called by both. One had pocket 2's and the other had K/8 (and last week I knocked him out on those Queens). That was two gone from the table already and I had a big lead (by about $8000). We got more players to the table and in probably the second hand after they arrived there was a massive pot. I had a 7/9 of Hearts and was the big blind. The flop came up 8 hearts/10 diamonds/Q diamonds. I made a $1000 bet and was raised by one of the newcomers (all-in) and the girl I beat on the river went all-in (with $300) and a girl I'd knocked out three times over the past six weeks also called (with $950). It cost me another $1000 to call the guys all-in. The cards were turned. He had a pair (Q/7), the first girl had a pair as well (8/5) and the last girl had a straight draw (A/K hearts). The turn was a 10 of Hearts and I had a straight flush draw. But the river came up a 2 of Hearts and two of the players were knocked out, one quadrupled up and I was left with (I think) the same amount I started that hand with. At that stage I started really pushing people around and eventually got caught out. The girl that survived that last hand put me all-in after a 9/9/6 flop (I had K/J diamonds again) and She had J/J - I didn't survive. But - in the eleventh hour my luck turned - I got my name called out at the second break and got $1000 to play - of course I sat down in a position where that put me as the big blind ($500/$1000) with a 10/5. The flop came up 9/8/6 - hey I could pull off a straight! - but the two players who matched my bet had a pair a-piece (9's and 8's) -I didn't catch my seven and I was out again. 15th - yay. Next week I need to finish tenth to be equal on points with my Mum.

Thursday (): Wigan 0 - Arsenal 1 (Adebayor 88). I worked. 7 hours. I played soccer with Saturn in his weekly game - I really need some fitness - it ended 6-6.

Friday (): Worked - 8 hours. Got comics (10) and Gen-13 #3 for K-Man.

Saturday (): Worked - another 8 hours. Ran after I got home. Then went straight to bed...

Sunday (2:30): ... so I could get up for Arsenal vs Portsmouth. (And work yet another 8 hours).

Final Thought: My sleep patterns are crazy.


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