Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Death Comes To Those Who Wait

Too much happening at one time....

'My World' news:

Tuesday (5/9: Redux): Apparently I didn't rent out Neon Genesis Evangelion Collection 7, I got Neon Genesis Collection 6 - sorry for the confusion.

Sunday (10/9): Worked, then rented out more movies (Titan AE, Steamboy, The Eye and Neon Genesis Evangelion Collection 7). Watched Titan AE.

Monday (:)): Worked. Got some Games Workshop models (Warhammer 40K). Watched Steamboy and Slither (My mum got that one).

Tuesday(): Watched remainder of films, went and saw 'Silent Hill' again - with my mum and K-Man.

and to the future....

Thursday (14/9): Arsenal WILL defeat Hamburg FC 3-0 in the Champions League group stages.

Story - edit (to part 1.)

The character is no longer going to France to replace a book lost but to get an initial copy (the character has never had one before) - makes more sense and I don't have to explain how they lost it. (though that could get interesting for the character to explain what happened to the other house members) - I don't know anymore. at the moment it is the collection of the initial copy.

I guess thats all - its Wednesday now (1:39am) and I should probably get to bed. Goodnight


Blogger kluelesskamel said...

firstly, which 40k models did you get.

and secondly, just nut the whole story through once and then make changes later. I reckon once you start fiddling around too early then things go all stuffy with stories.

7:48 AM  
Blogger Baltasar said...

I was thinking that too (about the story), The models are: Lucius The Eternal (Emperors Children Special Character), Chaos Dreadnaught, Raptor Box set (will be Possessed), War Walker, Rangers, and a Heavy Weapons Platform.

7:29 AM  

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