Sunday, September 03, 2006

Reality is Relative...

Nothing to note yet. Lets go straight to the headlines.

'My world' news:

Sunday (3/9): Worked (again), kinda getting used to it now - there is about 30mins at the end of my shift where either I'm rushing to finish everything or I have nothing to do. Didn't see Kenny - Blur had to go to some 'Father's Day' celebration.

Monday (today): Worked - realised that this was the easiest work week I've ever had. Oh yeah, my boss (the store manager) is on holiday so over three days (not Sunday) I've had a 'fill-in' boss - could that be why it was so easy? After work went and bought some books - I had five Border's 15% off vouchers. I got 'Shadow Puppets' and 'Shadow of the Giant' by Orson Scott Card, 'Neverwhere' by Neil Gaiman, and some Mangas (Priest 2, Neon Genesis Evangelion 5 and 8, and Cowboy Bebop 2). Going to see Kenny tonight with Blur. (It's been such a big day). Will review Kenny in next post (If you're lucky).


'Snakes on a Plane':
This is exactly what it sounds like - there is no mixed messages it is very straight forward and there are no subplots. Simple film for simple people. I loved it. If you want a story, forget this film, if you want quality acting, forget this film (Sorry Mr S. L. Jackson), If you want motherfucking snakes on a motherfucking plane, then this is the film for you. 2/5. (I mark on quality - or at least I'd like to think so - not on how much I like a film, though they generally go hand in hand)

'Silent Hill':
This is a film based on a video game with a woman looking for her little girl who got lost on their visit to Silent Hill, they go there because the little girl has nightmares and keeps saying the name in her sleep. As the mother searches for her daughter strange things start to happen - I won't go into specifics or else there will be no reason to see the film (I haven't played the game, maybe they're the same) - and you get to see what 'Resident Evil' would have been like if the people weren't superheroes (and was a better film). I liked the film but felt that it finished without resolving some issues - leaving things open for a sequel (I hate that because it is generally so obvious - does anyone remember 'Spawn'?). Some bits were kind of scary (not the word I want to use but it will do) but there was no jumping-out-of-shadows (or from off-screen) shocks - thats a good thing, horror should not jump in from off-screen or else the victim may have seen his attacker and we don't know where they came from or were hiding ~ maybe I'll go into this more somewhere else, or better yet, at a later date). I enjoyed it. 3/5.

'Clerks 2':
Dante and Randall are back, its ten years later and nothing has changed. Before you see this fil, go and see 'Clerks' - if you like that you're going to like this. To show that I may biased towards this film I will tell you that I own three of the previous six films by Kevin Smith including Clerks.
I will say no more. 3.5/5.

Thats it for the moment but I will probably return tomorrow. I have some reading to do.....


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