Saturday, September 09, 2006


I see a lot of movies, anyway, onto more important things:

'My World' News:

Monday (non-day): Have to revisit this, when I saw 'Kenny' with Blur we saw Mick malthouse (mmmm... malty) at the same screening - its the first time I've ever seen a smile on his face.

Thursday (7/9): Saw 'Lady in the Water' with Blur. Review later.

Friday (): worked.

Saturday (...): Worked - when I got home (2:30pm) I went to bed, yes in the middle of the afternoon, with the intent of sleeping for an extended period (not just a nap). The reason: Arsenal vs Middlesbrough 12:00 midnight (local time), I will probably get some more sleep between now and then.

Tuesday (the future): will most likely end up seeing 'Silent Hill' with my Mum - not because its good, not because I usually go and see films with my Mum (both of these statements are untrue), but because She will be paying and at the moment I have nothing better to do.


Lady In the Water: (Asterisks sections are spoilers)
Reminds me of a frog in a blender, some people found it humerous -it was not supposed to be - some people found it disturbing - not in the way it was supposed to be - and in the end * something green died *. One thing it had going for it was a good shock moment, this however was marred by the use of slow motion * It was good because we new where the scrunt was before it jumped out at us - it was in picture (compare with earlier posts) *. 1.5/5.

Last point. I need response to my story - criticise me (not too much) or tell me when its good (or hard to follow.......) or something ~ or else it will just deteriorate.


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