Wednesday, September 06, 2006


As I said last time I hate it when supposedly scary movies need to have the villain jump out from offscreen or something like that. I can understand if he's in picture and obscured in the shadow and then pops out but not when they just pop up from offscreen. And the evil one has to actually do something they can't just come out of the shadows and be all scary, they have to (at least try to) kill and maim the films hero/ines. As an example of this I like to think of 'The Omen' (the remake) In the cemetary when the photographer and the father (Mr Thorn) are looking for Damien's mother (the jackal) they are attacked by dogs. The dogs are not shown onscreen before they attack, they leap from offscreen (in the original they showed the dogs before they attacked). And another scene when Mrs Thorn is in the bathroom and there is some kind of monster standing behind her, yes its a dream sequence and freaky shit can happen in those things and the monster may be meant as a representation of Damien, but he still doesn't do anything, he just stands there. These are the things that shit me in horror movies today. I admit I probably couldn't make that kind of movie myself but give me the chance to do about three or four scenes and I'll scare the shit out of anyone.

Onto 'My World' News:

Monday (4/9):
Saw Kenny with Blur. The rest is in Mondays Blog.

Tuesday (5/9):
Rented out movies (Neon Genesis Evangelion 7, Old Boy, The Singing Detective and Coffee and Cigarettes). Watched two of them - the last two.

Wednesday (>):
Watched the remainder of my movies. Went out and got a couple magazines and comics.

Thursday (now):
Haven't done much really.

Movie Review:

Go see this movie for yourself. Second best film of the year (Tristram Shandy is #1). Not much more I can say - Mockumentary about a port-a-loo operator. 5/5.

Story (part 2) - note this will seem a total non sequitor with part 1.

She was finally here. It took me ages to realise who I needed to find to fix what I had done but she was the start, she would help me complete my mission. It was only three months ago that I found out what was necessary in order for me to reattain my humanity and atone for my sins. Everyone returns here, I now need to get her alone so that I can speak to her privately, but how? The library is full of golems all listening for their master, anywhere else in the house would be dangerous for me to be seen in, she'd never enter my tunnels and the warroom is a secret that I have managed to keep for centuries. But I suppose that is not important yet, first is meeting her.

The taboo on in house magics was only lifted a few months ago and it lead to an increase in my power so easily that soon I will be master of the house regardless of the proper procedures. My golems are gathering the information I need from the library and soon I'll figure out what I need to complete my research and accede leadership. No one will oppose me.


Blogger Baltasar said...

I guess this is me signing off from my post.

7:08 PM  
Blogger kluelesskamel said...

I totally agree with the omen call. It was a stupid movie and the all that sudden bad guy jumping into screen shit annoys me too!

8:17 AM  
Blogger Baltasar said...

that cannot be a serious comment

8:22 AM  

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