Saturday, September 30, 2006

All Answers Are Questionable

Was going to update this yesterday but I wanted to rest up so I could watch the Charlton vs Arsenal Game.

'My World' News:

Saturday (23/9: Recap): Have gained TWO nicknames at work (Redeye and The Scientist)

Wednesday (27/9): Looked for comics - they got delayed.

Thurdsday (the day after): got movies (O Brother, Where Art Thou?, The Eye 2, Hotel Rwanda and True Romance). Watched The Eye 2 and True Romance.

Friday (29/9): Worked, watched O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Saturday (30/9): Worked. Ran again (yay), 27/28 minutes again.

Sunday (1/10): Arsenal vs Charlton started at Midnight (1-2 final score), K-Man's birthday today.

Thats it for now. My next post should contain some story but at the moment I'm just too tired (it's 2am for crying out loud).


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