Sunday, September 17, 2006

A World of Inconvenience

Go and see 'An Inconvenient Truth' now. I'm serious, stop reading and go to your local cinema and watch this film. You've seen it already? Well I suppose you can stick around and hear what I have to say then.

"My World' News:

Wednesday (13/9): Went into and through the city to get comics, managed to fall at South Yarra station because my shoes have no grip - they work in a straight line and I can run at top speed but as soon as I hit a corner any faster than walking pace I'm over. Got 40k models for K-Man (Space Marine Dreadnaught, Chaos Rhino and Death Guard Squad). He still owes me $100 from this purchase.

Thursday (14): Arsenal defeat Hamburg FC (away) 2-1, is it just me or does Arsenal play better without Thierry Henry? Went and saw 'Nacho Libre' with Blur.

Friday (): Worked - was supposed to finish half hour early due to working half hour overtime on Monday but got payed for Monday overtime instead. Went and got paint - Black and Pink for my 40k models (the actual models I got are listed in my reply to my previous Post). Went and saw 'An Inconvenient Trurh' and you should too.

Saturday (): Worked - had seven week review, it went very well. Returned films and got more - Johnny Mnemonic, Neon Genesis Evangelion 8 (Final Genesis), Howl's Moving Castle, and Pulp Fiction. Watched Johnny Mnemonic.

Sunday (strange days): Saw 29 planes (and one helicopter) go overhead on my way to work (6-6:40am) still have no idea what was going on. Worked. Went to bed when I got home. Got up watched Pulp Fiction then went back to bed.

Monday (now): Arsenal vs Manchester United starts at 1am (Edit: Arsenal defeated Manchester United 1-0 at Manchester. Yay). Will have to work at 7am.


Nacho Libre:

I enjoyed this more than I expected (I had no expectation for this film) If I didn't pay nothing to see it I probably would have seen something else instead - but it was good, especially the line about tears (the crying kind). 3.5/5

An Inconvenient Truth:

Go see it. Too good for me to put into words and a necessary reminder of why the human race is fucked. 5/5.

Got to go and watch the soccer now (the match is televised).


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