Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Life is a Terminal Condition

I have come to the conclusion that I don't like runnung. I struggle to force myself to do it once a week and so it's highly doubtful that it will increase from that level of intensity. But that may or may not change. I'm unpredictable in that way.

Anyways, time for my favourite segment 'My World' News:

Sunday (1/10): Worked. Went looking for comics again (they were meant to be in on Saturday) - failed to get any as they were delayed again (they said Monday this time). Went and bought myself some CD's - Rob Thomas' ...Something To Be, and Seal's Best | 1991 - 2004 (he's married to Heidi Klum). The gift I got K-Man was a shitload of Warhammer Fantasy models - All the models in the 'Battle for Skull Pass' Box set, plus all the orc models I had (I never used them, they're still unpainted).

Monday (2/10): Worked. Bought comics (they came in, yay) got nine in all and a Wizard Magazine. Total delay: 5 days. Next shipment - with luck - will come in on Wednesday, I'll get them on Thursday most likely.

Tuesday (3/10): Day off (yay). Watched 'Hotel Rwanda' - awesome film. Mum finally called Foxtel to chase up a lost magazine (Dad threw out our foxtel magazine) after I suggested she look through the old magazine for a phone number or email address - they're sending us a new one - then mum spent about ten or fifteen minutes getting conned into a digital subscription. We're supposedly getting that on the 10th.

Wednesday (Now and Again): Watched 'O Brother' again, took movies back and got myself an Empire Magazine. Am kinda confused about what day it is (When I started writing this I thought it was Tuesday).

Story: Part 5 (or something like that)

(this preceeds the previous story post)
"Marcus come here" I called to one of my pupils.
"Yes master, what is it that you require?" He is an unwashed miscreant, I will be happy when he is no longer associated with me.
"This," a book, "must be put in the library.."
"But, wouldn't you be..." He cut me off, then I did the same to him.
"This must be put in the library, and the golems cannot see me do it. It would be highly suspicious behaviour." I rage at him, speaking to me out of turn, such a fool. I continue, "It must be placed on the front desk with a random assortment of books. Do you understand?"
"Yes, I will do as you ask." He submits fully.
"May I ask why I'm doing this?" Insolent fool.
"No, just ensure it gets done."

(This bit occurs after all previously written fragments)
I can see them as they enter the library. They're talking to each other but I'm too far away to hear. The golems patrolling the library - half guard, half librarian - may see me if I try to get closer, and that would make it difficult for me to remain in the house.
The man spots a pile of books on the front desk and appears about to fly into a rage, he maintains his composure, though I have never seen him that close to losing control. He motions to one of the golems to come to him and hands it the stack of books. No, wait, all but one of the books. He takes one of the books, a magic book - the circle and pentagon on the cover indicate it as one of the house books yet the black cover and gold trimmings make it appear more important than the average handbook, I must have it - and puts it behind the front desk. And takes the girl further into the library. He takes one of the books off the shelf and gives it to her, a standard brown house text. She is not sure what to make of it and he smiles like the devil appearing to try and convince her it's all good. She appears to be repulsed by him, maybe she is the one to help me. This could be a fortunate coincidence, but I must move fast before she is corrupted into believing the lies in this house.
I move tonight. I cannot wait.

Final Thought: The only reason I haven't seen D.O.A. in cinema is that I would feel wrong admitting to having seen it here. Is that as wrong admitting that as seeing the film (and admitting it) would be? I don't know, this may not even make sense. Oh well, thats it for now.


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