Sunday, October 22, 2006

Wasting Time

I can't think - too much caffiene and chocolate - maybe I need more sleep.

'My World' News:

Friday (20/10): Worked. Saw 'Crank' with K-Man. Got more CDs (the Cruel Sea - the Honeymoon is Over, Phoenix - United). Got one more comic (Cable/Deadpool) because I forgot to pick it up yesterday (even though it is the best comic ever).

Saturday (): Worked, and not much else - K-Man hired out some DVDs - I might watch some of them.

Sunday (): Worked - much easier than last week. Watched 'Ultraviolet' with Milla Jovovich - it wasn't even close to good.

Monday (Carpe Diem): Currently Reading vs Arsenal (current score: 0-1 37mins into the first half). Will be working later.

Enjoyable Australian comedy. Probably the best Aussie comedy done in recent years. 3/5.

Children of Men:
Fucking Awesome. Relatively slow start (even with a big explosion) that picks up about half-an-hour in and doesn't stop. 5/5.

Action Packed, and light on story - in a nutshell the greatest guy movie ever. 4/5. (can't put it on the same level as 'Children of Men')

Story: (I don't know where we're up to so I'll just pick up what I remember)

I bring her into the library so that we canhave some private conversation, the golems can't actually hear anything. 'This house is not entirely what it seems.' I pick up some books that have been left on the front desk.
'What do you mean?' i hand most of the books to one of the passing golems.
'I mean that some people have hidden agendas, and that some people are not entirely human.'
'The magic. It changes things. Any spell-casting can cause....' What's the word..... 'Corruption. Please hear me out, Every being begins life with a conscience, this is the voice within, defining right and wrong. For those who have a more spiritual leaning this would be the voice of the soul. The magic changes this. With every spell cast the voice is diminished - until one day it can no longer be heard. Then right and wrong have no meaning, everything and anything can be done by those without conscience.'
'So what you're saying is if I cast a spell - any spell - I would lose my soul?'
'Not entirely, but yes, thats exactly what I am saying.' I put the one remaining book behind the front desk.
'But what of those without souls?'
'They become the other - this world has monsters. That was why this house was created in the first place. Vampires, Zombies, Demons and others - we aren't sure of what specifically happens but it isn't good. Some say there are ways of retrieving a lost conscience, but they are generally at a cost of countless other souls.
'It is not something worth thinking about. Though do not forget it.'
'So what happens now?'
'I am to teach you magic.'
'That doesn't mean you have to practice it.' I take a book off the shelf and hand it to her.
'That is now your's. A spellbook containing all the knowledge of the house that is appropriate for one starting out.'
'So nothing that will erode my soul?'
'It all does, these just won't destroy the world if you say something wrong.'

Final thought: Maybe I can think...... mmmmmm...... Milo.......


Blogger Baltasar said...

The conversation between 'the unknown' and marcus was unclear (or so I've been told) so I'm going to make slight changes to it.

'Marcus come here.' I called to one of my pupils, an unwashed miscreant who I would be happier without.
He knelt in servitude before responding to my demands 'Yes Master, what is it you require?'
'This,' a book, 'must be put in the library..'

9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

re: boytown review
what about kenny?

7:55 PM  
Blogger Baltasar said...

Kenny was a mockumentary

even if it was funnier and more enjoyable than Boytown

1:54 AM  

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