Sunday, October 08, 2006

Surround a man with angels and he looks like the Devil.

I have been inspired. I've been listening to 'I am an Illusion' by Rob Thomas and it lead me to thinking theologically about ghosts and souls and minds and now I want to write something that exists without words (sounds rather strange that one), a film where the actor(s) do not talk and it all takes place in the mind of the main character, but we (the audience doesn't know that) and all the other characters are just ghosts and images and the only conversation in the entire piece is done over a computer - and obviously you can't speak with anyone 'outside' when the setting is inside the mind so this 'voice' must be like a soul or concience trying to manipulate/direct the main character down some path. The whole film would be set in an apartment - with no exits and very little furniture and no kitchen, the mind doesn't 'eat'. It would start as if he's (the main character must be a man as I imagine it being my head) new to this place - waking up in a strange new world next to a woman in bed (not remembering the night before) he gets up out of bed and the first thing he does is go to the bathroom, when he gets back she is gone from the apartment (we never see her face). And blah, blah blah, etc, etc. It continues. Sorry for so much ranting, I'll get on with more important things now.

'My World' News:

Monday (2/10: Again): One of my workmates (now known as Thor) said that I should do full (8 hour) shifts, just so he had someone to talk to.

Wednesday (4/10: Again, again): Got movies - Looney Tunes - Back in Action, Logan's Run, The Big Lebowski and Sky High. Failed to get comics (more delays). Bought CD's - Foo Fighters 'In Your Honor', Oasis' '(What's the Story) Morning Glory' and Marvin Gaye's 'The Collection'. Watched Sky High.

Thursday (): Got a call from work asking me to do a full shift on Friday and Saturday.....hmmm. Watched Looney Tunes and The Big Lebowski.

Friday (): Full work shift (it is usually 6 hours today it was 8). Looked again for comics: - FAILURE (delayed 'til Monday... If I'm lucky). Fell asleep watching Logan's Run - will try again later.

Saturday (): Full work shift. Got a lift home from Saturn (another workmate). Failed to run - don't know whether I'm sad or relieved.

Sunday (day of rest): Regular working hours. Will try to watch Logan's Run after posting this.

Final Thought: How often should people get Deja Vu? Because it seems to me I get it an awful lot, but its never anything that I HAVE done before (I think), when I do feel Deja Vu I think that maybe I dreamed whatever happens happens (you know what I mean?). I got it on Friday when I put a cucumber back on the shelf (I also got it at University when I got handed a yellow piece of paper). It is a very strange sensation. Totally unlike Vuja De (the feeling that what is happening has never happened before) - which I have never felt.


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