Saturday, October 14, 2006

For all the things I've done wrong there has always been someone else to blame

I talk a lot about music at work. This can be attributed to a few things - 1. we have a PA system that pumps out music all day long, - 2. Most people I talk to at work are my age and don't have really serious issues to talk about, - 3. I only recently started work there and it is a generally safe topic when scouting people out (along with movies, books and sport - everyone has an opinion but it doesn't give away any details about life). This has shown me less information than casual observations. Seeing some of my colleagues actions and casual clothing leads to a faster (and easier) assumption of character - I'll give you an example, one of my workmates (female) has a 'Full-Metal Alchemist' jumper - this leads me to assume that she likes anime, she also drinks a lot of red-eye - this leads me to assume that she runs on caffiene. These may be small observations but how easy is it to tell a caffiene addict (I use the term addict rather loosely) or an anime fan from infrequent chatter? Watch people - you learn more.

Making the headlines tonight on 'My World' News:

Tuesday (X): Movie 'X' was meant to say 'Unleashed' but I was lazy

Wednesday (Y): Because I couldn't get comics I got some CDs instead. Ben Harper (and the Innocent Criminals) Live From Mars, Ben Folds F/Live (the F in five is upside down to look like an L), and Fiona Apple Tidal.

Thursday (Back on Track): Watched remainder of Gerry - damn fine film. Watched Doom - can't say it was as good. Went and saw 'The Departed' with Blur, CONs (a triumverate of women that work with Blur - with names beginning with C, O and N - this will now be used as a reference to any of the people Blur works with that I do not know - and do not think will feature a whole lot), and C's (of CONs) boyfriend. Review later in post.

Friday (the 13th): Worked - six hours - music was surprisingly good during my shift. Got two free movie tickets - because I am awesome at my job. After work went and saw 'The Covenant' - should have seen 'The Departed' again instead, this film I saw alone.

Saturday (Zzzzzz): Worked again - was told by Belerephon (a workmate) that my 4-7-11 report (review for new job peoples at certain weekly intervals - the 4th, the seventh and I'll let you guess the last one) was the best he's ever seen - also said that I could get a direct promotion to second in command in my department (Up the ziggurat, lickety split - as they say). Also my boss wants me to go full time on my four days and help out in the deli after my main work is done - he also wants me in on Wednesdays during the next two weeks (he is on holiday and does my work when I'm not there). Got home and slept all afternoon so I can watch the Arsenal vs Watford match starting at 11:55pm.

Tuesday (looking forward to it): At the moment I am pencilled in to see 'The Departed' again with my Mum.


The Departed:
Fucking Awesome. Runnign for 2:30 hours (or close to) I thought it was just a little bit long, but everything else was gold. Alec Baldwin was hilarious every time he was on screen and Mark Wahlberg (sic?) was also outstanding. I liked the seperation of the two leads and the unlikely situation they find themselves in. I loved this film. 5/5.

The Covenant:
Fucking Shite. To sum it up: I fell asleep it was so boring. There are no known actors in this film (who would put their name on something so bad), the storyline is simple and painfully slow. It starts with the idea that there were 5 pagan magical families in a town and that these are the descendents - they have obvious power and they know it - four of them know each other and the other line is supposed to have died out - kinda easy to figure out from there. There is absolutely no character development in the story, everyone who gets any significant screen time is an angsty teenager and not-a-one of them can act (their range goes from looking grumpy to looking unhappy). This film should have only gotten a direct to video release. 1/5 (I can't give it zero, it just feels wrong).

Final Thought: FOOTBAL!!!!!!!!!!!! Arsenal vs Watford starts in 10 minutes. Will probably edit this later this morning with the result (and maybe some more story - just don't hold your breath).


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