Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Surround an angel with men and he looks like a god.

I feel I need to post at least twice a week (at least). It means I don't forget too much of what goes on and you can get regular updates - which is important for everyone visiting the site.

'My World' News:

Sunday (Redone): Before work I kinda slept through my alarm. I got up about 20 minutes before I needed to be there, fortunately my Dad was up (he woke me up), and he drove me there (It would have taken 40 minutes to walk) and I was only 1 minute late (generally I'm 20 minutes early and get to sit and read before work). I didn't watch 'Logan's Run' after work - I couldn't be bothered.

Monday (Reducks): I worked again. The display was all redone (if you don't know I work in the meat department at a supermarket) and everything was moved, so after I just learnt where everything goes they change it all on me. Bastards. Ran into K-Man at Windsor station - we were both getting off the train so we walked together. I got my comics (5 of them) and we went to some op-shops so he could look for some punk gear. I also got myself a briefcase - Its a metal deely with a locking mechanism, 2x 3 digit codes for opening it, one on each side of the handle and they are operated independently - so you can open one lock without opening the other. I left him at Prahran station - I went home, he went towards the city.

Tuesday (Redo-over...something): I returned my movies and replaced them - Doom, Gerry, Office Space, and X. Talked to a girl I hadn't seen since primary school (K-Man has been in contact with her). Watched Office Space and half of Gerry (I will watch the rest, it won't become another 'Logan's Run'). Got a call from work asking me to come in on Wednesday, guess what.....

Wednesday (Red): Worked, for 8 hours on my day off (least that means I'll get some more money). It is so tiring, tomorrow I sleep. Tried to get some comics, but wouldn't you know it, delayed in LA again.

Thursday (Required): Will go and see 'The Departed' with Blur.

Now, need sleep............ or maybe I'll finish watching Gerry. Hmmm......


Blogger Baltasar said...

Wednesday (I forgot this): After work I got comics (2) and 3 CDs (Ben Folds Five - Live, Ben Harper and The Innocent Criminals - Live From Mars, and Fiona Apple - Tidal). That is all.

6:17 AM  
Blogger Baltasar said...

and 'movie X'is meant to be 'Unleashed', i forgot the name of it and didn't want to stop writing and just forgot to adjust it at the end (I know i could edit my post but I'm too lazy)

6:51 AM  

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