Saturday, September 30, 2006

All Answers Are Questionable

Was going to update this yesterday but I wanted to rest up so I could watch the Charlton vs Arsenal Game.

'My World' News:

Saturday (23/9: Recap): Have gained TWO nicknames at work (Redeye and The Scientist)

Wednesday (27/9): Looked for comics - they got delayed.

Thurdsday (the day after): got movies (O Brother, Where Art Thou?, The Eye 2, Hotel Rwanda and True Romance). Watched The Eye 2 and True Romance.

Friday (29/9): Worked, watched O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Saturday (30/9): Worked. Ran again (yay), 27/28 minutes again.

Sunday (1/10): Arsenal vs Charlton started at Midnight (1-2 final score), K-Man's birthday today.

Thats it for now. My next post should contain some story but at the moment I'm just too tired (it's 2am for crying out loud).

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Clear Fiction

This is a response to what Kamel said in response to my last post (just in case there is anyone who visits me and doesn't read the Responses). The reason I want poeple to comment on the story is to tell me when something isn't clear - sometimes I may think that I have said something in the story that I haven't and it may make it difficult to read and/or understand and I would like to be able to fix these things.

Anyway, onto 'My World' News:

Sunday (recovered): Worked. watched 'Emily Rose' when I got home.

Monday (25/9): Worked - this was the easiest working week I've had so far.

Tuesday (big day for me): Went out shopping. Got myself two CDs ('O Brother, Where Art Thou?' Soundtrack, and 'Demon Days' by Gorillaz), a DVD (Volcano High), two shirts, an assortment of underwear, some books (two Kakuro books and Neon Genesis Evangelion 9 (I think thats the last one in the series)), the Games Workshop 'Battle for Skull Pass' box set, and a raptor. I also saw someone from my job training day - but that will never come up again (at Malvern Central).

Wednesday (Today): Arsenal defeated FC Porto (the Portuguese champions) 2-0 in the Champions League match (match day 2).

Thats it for today. See you all again soon.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Due to Technical Difficulties I Will Post This..........

I have sinned, it's been five days since my last post and I said it would be no more than four days between posts. I am sorry. But then again I keep saying I'm going to go for a run and thats been four months... so far...

Now updating 'My World' News:

Monday (...I got nothing): Worked. Finished Reading 'Shadow Puppets' (Orson Scott Card) and started reading 'Neverwhere' (Niel Gaiman). Watched 'Neon Genesis Evangelion' (Collection 8) before work and watched 'Howl's Moving Castle' After work (fell asleep during 'Howl's' - and not just once). I also got my degree today - It only took 8 months for the University to get it too me.

Tuesday (19/9): Watched 'Howl's Moving Castle' again - didn't fall asleep once.

Wednesday (): Did nothing of note.....

Thursday (The Big One): Got Comics (7 titles). Watched 'Talladega Nights'. Rented out Movies (Serving Sarah, Ghost In The Shell, Undead, and The Exorcism of Emily Rose). Watched 'Serving Sarah'. Went and saw 'Macbeth' with Blur. (Yes TWO cinematics in one day - boy am I tired).

Friday (22/9): Worked. Watched 'GITS' and 'Undead'.

Saturday (This Is It): Worked. WENT FOR A RUN. Yes it's true, I finally started running again (though whether or not I continue is a different story). It took me 28 minutes (+/- 1min) to complete a 5km (+/- 500m) course (this includes a 100m warmdown - walking). This is a good time, my best was just under 20min for the same distance and my worst was 30+ mins for a 4km course (which I did about this time last year after three years of inactivity).

Sunday (Back to the Future): Arsenal vs Sheffield United at Midnight (Result: Arsenal 3 : Sheffield United 0).


Talledega Nights - The Ballad of Ricky Bobby:
Funny, very funny. Not a serious film and easy to follow for those who do not follow Nascar. I thoroughly enjoyed it. 3.5/5

It sucked don't bother. The nude scenes (whilst appreciated) were worthless as well as unnecessary, they felt unlinked - as if they had been put in just to push up the rating. 1/5.

Story: Part 3 (?)

After a long flight the hour it took to get to the House felt like nothing. I am excited, this is my first trip outside of America and I can't stop smiling. I arrive at the main building at just after four in the afternoon and can't help but stop and look at it. The brick walls peeking through a sea of ivy three storeys tall, and the walls seeming to extend beyond the horizon. To say looking at this house I felt small was an understatement, I felt unnecessary, like a single leaf of ivy noone would notice if it wasn't still there. Stop thinking, just go in and get the book. The foyer of the house is as impressive as the outside but I have a purpose, so I go to what appears to be a front desk to announce myself.
"Hello, I'm here to...." Trepidation echoed in my words.
"Name?" The clerk cuts me off.
"Anna Carres. I'm here to...." get cut off apparently.
"Take a seat and I'll get someone for you."
"But you don't even know why...."
"The Book." It appears she does know.
I slink away from the desk and slump myself into a chair. I don't know how long I waited but I must have fallen asleep.
"Anna?" I wake to a question from a tall gentleman with long flowing white hair, though he couldn't be more than forty.
"Um, yes thats me" I answer sleepily.
"Good. I am Henry Smith. Please follow me."
He walks away with pace and power in a long dark coat that hides his gaunt figure. I am still sleepy and forget to follow him and need to run to catch him.
"So, where are we going?" I ask so I don't have to endure an uncomfortable silence.
"The Library"

Final thought: Don't worry there is no way I would become as lax in updating this as I have become about my health - I will update this in less than four month increments I PROMISE you.

Final Thought (Part Deux): I was reading the soccer results and saw a story entitled 'Given to leave hospital after horror injury' so I decided to read it (me being a big fan of horror) - Given refers to Shay Given, a goalkeeper for Middlesbrough(?) and the horror injury - a bowel rupture, now that is a true sports injury - come on the guy can't even gloat about it thats got to suck (I'm really sorry if you're trying to eat but this had to be revealed - sports injuries (he got this due to an on-field collision) aren't all battle scars to be proud of and show off to your friends).

Sunday, September 17, 2006

A World of Inconvenience

Go and see 'An Inconvenient Truth' now. I'm serious, stop reading and go to your local cinema and watch this film. You've seen it already? Well I suppose you can stick around and hear what I have to say then.

"My World' News:

Wednesday (13/9): Went into and through the city to get comics, managed to fall at South Yarra station because my shoes have no grip - they work in a straight line and I can run at top speed but as soon as I hit a corner any faster than walking pace I'm over. Got 40k models for K-Man (Space Marine Dreadnaught, Chaos Rhino and Death Guard Squad). He still owes me $100 from this purchase.

Thursday (14): Arsenal defeat Hamburg FC (away) 2-1, is it just me or does Arsenal play better without Thierry Henry? Went and saw 'Nacho Libre' with Blur.

Friday (): Worked - was supposed to finish half hour early due to working half hour overtime on Monday but got payed for Monday overtime instead. Went and got paint - Black and Pink for my 40k models (the actual models I got are listed in my reply to my previous Post). Went and saw 'An Inconvenient Trurh' and you should too.

Saturday (): Worked - had seven week review, it went very well. Returned films and got more - Johnny Mnemonic, Neon Genesis Evangelion 8 (Final Genesis), Howl's Moving Castle, and Pulp Fiction. Watched Johnny Mnemonic.

Sunday (strange days): Saw 29 planes (and one helicopter) go overhead on my way to work (6-6:40am) still have no idea what was going on. Worked. Went to bed when I got home. Got up watched Pulp Fiction then went back to bed.

Monday (now): Arsenal vs Manchester United starts at 1am (Edit: Arsenal defeated Manchester United 1-0 at Manchester. Yay). Will have to work at 7am.


Nacho Libre:

I enjoyed this more than I expected (I had no expectation for this film) If I didn't pay nothing to see it I probably would have seen something else instead - but it was good, especially the line about tears (the crying kind). 3.5/5

An Inconvenient Truth:

Go see it. Too good for me to put into words and a necessary reminder of why the human race is fucked. 5/5.

Got to go and watch the soccer now (the match is televised).

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Death Comes To Those Who Wait

Too much happening at one time....

'My World' news:

Tuesday (5/9: Redux): Apparently I didn't rent out Neon Genesis Evangelion Collection 7, I got Neon Genesis Collection 6 - sorry for the confusion.

Sunday (10/9): Worked, then rented out more movies (Titan AE, Steamboy, The Eye and Neon Genesis Evangelion Collection 7). Watched Titan AE.

Monday (:)): Worked. Got some Games Workshop models (Warhammer 40K). Watched Steamboy and Slither (My mum got that one).

Tuesday(): Watched remainder of films, went and saw 'Silent Hill' again - with my mum and K-Man.

and to the future....

Thursday (14/9): Arsenal WILL defeat Hamburg FC 3-0 in the Champions League group stages.

Story - edit (to part 1.)

The character is no longer going to France to replace a book lost but to get an initial copy (the character has never had one before) - makes more sense and I don't have to explain how they lost it. (though that could get interesting for the character to explain what happened to the other house members) - I don't know anymore. at the moment it is the collection of the initial copy.

I guess thats all - its Wednesday now (1:39am) and I should probably get to bed. Goodnight

Saturday, September 09, 2006


I see a lot of movies, anyway, onto more important things:

'My World' News:

Monday (non-day): Have to revisit this, when I saw 'Kenny' with Blur we saw Mick malthouse (mmmm... malty) at the same screening - its the first time I've ever seen a smile on his face.

Thursday (7/9): Saw 'Lady in the Water' with Blur. Review later.

Friday (): worked.

Saturday (...): Worked - when I got home (2:30pm) I went to bed, yes in the middle of the afternoon, with the intent of sleeping for an extended period (not just a nap). The reason: Arsenal vs Middlesbrough 12:00 midnight (local time), I will probably get some more sleep between now and then.

Tuesday (the future): will most likely end up seeing 'Silent Hill' with my Mum - not because its good, not because I usually go and see films with my Mum (both of these statements are untrue), but because She will be paying and at the moment I have nothing better to do.


Lady In the Water: (Asterisks sections are spoilers)
Reminds me of a frog in a blender, some people found it humerous -it was not supposed to be - some people found it disturbing - not in the way it was supposed to be - and in the end * something green died *. One thing it had going for it was a good shock moment, this however was marred by the use of slow motion * It was good because we new where the scrunt was before it jumped out at us - it was in picture (compare with earlier posts) *. 1.5/5.

Last point. I need response to my story - criticise me (not too much) or tell me when its good (or hard to follow.......) or something ~ or else it will just deteriorate.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


As I said last time I hate it when supposedly scary movies need to have the villain jump out from offscreen or something like that. I can understand if he's in picture and obscured in the shadow and then pops out but not when they just pop up from offscreen. And the evil one has to actually do something they can't just come out of the shadows and be all scary, they have to (at least try to) kill and maim the films hero/ines. As an example of this I like to think of 'The Omen' (the remake) In the cemetary when the photographer and the father (Mr Thorn) are looking for Damien's mother (the jackal) they are attacked by dogs. The dogs are not shown onscreen before they attack, they leap from offscreen (in the original they showed the dogs before they attacked). And another scene when Mrs Thorn is in the bathroom and there is some kind of monster standing behind her, yes its a dream sequence and freaky shit can happen in those things and the monster may be meant as a representation of Damien, but he still doesn't do anything, he just stands there. These are the things that shit me in horror movies today. I admit I probably couldn't make that kind of movie myself but give me the chance to do about three or four scenes and I'll scare the shit out of anyone.

Onto 'My World' News:

Monday (4/9):
Saw Kenny with Blur. The rest is in Mondays Blog.

Tuesday (5/9):
Rented out movies (Neon Genesis Evangelion 7, Old Boy, The Singing Detective and Coffee and Cigarettes). Watched two of them - the last two.

Wednesday (>):
Watched the remainder of my movies. Went out and got a couple magazines and comics.

Thursday (now):
Haven't done much really.

Movie Review:

Go see this movie for yourself. Second best film of the year (Tristram Shandy is #1). Not much more I can say - Mockumentary about a port-a-loo operator. 5/5.

Story (part 2) - note this will seem a total non sequitor with part 1.

She was finally here. It took me ages to realise who I needed to find to fix what I had done but she was the start, she would help me complete my mission. It was only three months ago that I found out what was necessary in order for me to reattain my humanity and atone for my sins. Everyone returns here, I now need to get her alone so that I can speak to her privately, but how? The library is full of golems all listening for their master, anywhere else in the house would be dangerous for me to be seen in, she'd never enter my tunnels and the warroom is a secret that I have managed to keep for centuries. But I suppose that is not important yet, first is meeting her.

The taboo on in house magics was only lifted a few months ago and it lead to an increase in my power so easily that soon I will be master of the house regardless of the proper procedures. My golems are gathering the information I need from the library and soon I'll figure out what I need to complete my research and accede leadership. No one will oppose me.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Reality is Relative...

Nothing to note yet. Lets go straight to the headlines.

'My world' news:

Sunday (3/9): Worked (again), kinda getting used to it now - there is about 30mins at the end of my shift where either I'm rushing to finish everything or I have nothing to do. Didn't see Kenny - Blur had to go to some 'Father's Day' celebration.

Monday (today): Worked - realised that this was the easiest work week I've ever had. Oh yeah, my boss (the store manager) is on holiday so over three days (not Sunday) I've had a 'fill-in' boss - could that be why it was so easy? After work went and bought some books - I had five Border's 15% off vouchers. I got 'Shadow Puppets' and 'Shadow of the Giant' by Orson Scott Card, 'Neverwhere' by Neil Gaiman, and some Mangas (Priest 2, Neon Genesis Evangelion 5 and 8, and Cowboy Bebop 2). Going to see Kenny tonight with Blur. (It's been such a big day). Will review Kenny in next post (If you're lucky).


'Snakes on a Plane':
This is exactly what it sounds like - there is no mixed messages it is very straight forward and there are no subplots. Simple film for simple people. I loved it. If you want a story, forget this film, if you want quality acting, forget this film (Sorry Mr S. L. Jackson), If you want motherfucking snakes on a motherfucking plane, then this is the film for you. 2/5. (I mark on quality - or at least I'd like to think so - not on how much I like a film, though they generally go hand in hand)

'Silent Hill':
This is a film based on a video game with a woman looking for her little girl who got lost on their visit to Silent Hill, they go there because the little girl has nightmares and keeps saying the name in her sleep. As the mother searches for her daughter strange things start to happen - I won't go into specifics or else there will be no reason to see the film (I haven't played the game, maybe they're the same) - and you get to see what 'Resident Evil' would have been like if the people weren't superheroes (and was a better film). I liked the film but felt that it finished without resolving some issues - leaving things open for a sequel (I hate that because it is generally so obvious - does anyone remember 'Spawn'?). Some bits were kind of scary (not the word I want to use but it will do) but there was no jumping-out-of-shadows (or from off-screen) shocks - thats a good thing, horror should not jump in from off-screen or else the victim may have seen his attacker and we don't know where they came from or were hiding ~ maybe I'll go into this more somewhere else, or better yet, at a later date). I enjoyed it. 3/5.

'Clerks 2':
Dante and Randall are back, its ten years later and nothing has changed. Before you see this fil, go and see 'Clerks' - if you like that you're going to like this. To show that I may biased towards this film I will tell you that I own three of the previous six films by Kevin Smith including Clerks.
I will say no more. 3.5/5.

Thats it for the moment but I will probably return tomorrow. I have some reading to do.....

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Not the Whole Truth

This is going to be a short post. Dates and occurrances only. No reviews, no story (hopefully next time we can have both....)

Wednesday (revisited): After 'Snakes on a Plane' I ran into Blur and we discussed whether to see 'Clerks 2' (with is free tickets).

Thursday (31/8): As I intended, I saw 'Silent Hill'. Review later.

Friday (1/9): Blur messaged me saying he was seeing 'Clerks 2' at a staff screening the next morning (Saturday) so I went and saw it myself. 'Clerks 2' review after the other reviews. I also worked.

Saturday (today): I worked this morning, I have a new boss - short time only, whilst my 'real' boss is on holiday. These were the two easiest working days I have ever had, it makes me scared at what tomorrow will bring......

Reviews of 'Snakes on a Plane', 'Silent Hill' and 'Clerks 2' will be available soon - probably going to see 'Kenny' with Blur tomorrow, which will take my movie tally for this week to 6. I saw 5 movies on the weekdays (and one last Saturday - does that make it six?) and will see one on Sunday - do they count as the one week?